Summary Of Childhood Arrivals By Gyasi Ross

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The author, Gyasi Ross perspective on Trump’s cowardly move to remove Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program will affect many immigrants that came illegally to the United States. Trump wants to remove this act and send the illegal immigrants back to their country because Trump believes that the immigrants are the ones who are ruining America Society. However, according to Vanessa Yurkevich a CNN Digital Correspondent, she stated: “Nearly 800,000 immigrant kids who were once undocumented have been able to live in the U.S. without constant fear of deportation because of DACA.” This quote reference that if Trump removes the DACA, then 800,000 immigrants who are in the program will be sent back into their country. This problem in our America society has been an issue which the author is reflecting that sending immigrants back to their country is like white supremacist is back. …show more content…
According to the author, he stated “No, we’re not going to be able to work with this clown. No, we’re not going to be able to find solutions with [Trump]. It is time to make our own solutions when he comes after our folks.” (Ross). His perspective on Trump action is that the society needs to find their owned solution to protect the people who they love. The author thinks that Trump is not going to protect all of us because he going to accuse us as a victim of his plot of the immigrant plan. Therefore, Ross believes that working to find a solution with Trump will not work out. People need to change their faith because our ancestor has faced this kind of situation in the past before. Gyasi Ross does not want to see the same mistake in today society because this action had happened in the past of the American

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