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Because his great intellect, Dan-el meet influenced people that helped him applied for good school scholarship. As Dan-el Padilha Peralta described one those first victories, “The admissions director had called him with the news. The letter and financial aid offer were on their way to our apartment. I was almost speechless with shock, but I had to compose myself to translate for Mom. She started to cry. I cried too”(86-87). Dan-el started to benefit from of all your dedications and achievement this young man had invested during your childhood. The admission to Collegiate with a full scholarship was a reason for him and his mother to be emotional. It was a result of a lot of work, he beat the obstacles. Dan-el’s successful was a great result for a family that didn’t have “papeles”, immigration status green card. The difference between Dan-el and I was I didn’t have the opportunity to back to school after I received my green card five years ago. I remember how many times I dreamed about being able to start my classes and getting better with the English. Many times I tried to be accepted at college, but didn’t have the luck Dan-el had. My immigrant status were constantly questioned and was a big embarrassment to my personal development. All the time the answer was that without establishment of my imagination status I was not able to start my education. I needed to learn how to motivate myself to never give up and not feel bad about myself, in each unsuccessful attempt to start my education to better