Have you ever venture to the darkest place in your mind and actually consider taking your life? Even for a split second? Do you know, your own actions can affect those around you? Suicide does not discriminate, it infest the minds of the rich and famous, along with the poorest of the poor. It can also spread through community or a school intuition like a common cold. I’ve been working with children for four years now in a school institution. I’m train to watch out for any emotional imbalances and refer them to qualified specialist for further treatment. This being said, I will be basing my 2nd research paper on what suicide contagion is and how to reduce or even prevent them. Although this topic is different from my site report interview I conducted with the knowledgeable Mrs. Sherae Anderson located in DR. Betty Shabazz Health center I would like to shift gears and shed light on suicide contagion which is often overlook because people do not understand that one death can trigger others to commit the same action. Nevertheless Mrs. Anderson was very insightful on what to expect from a life of social work and exceedingly descriptive of her dealings with her mandated populations that have contracted disease such as HIV. Many do not see the correlations between diseases and suicide, but I believe it goes hand in hand. First I will clarify what suicide contagion is and go over terminology used in this section. Next I will explain the future prospect of this issues, such as why certain age group are prone to suicide contagion factors which contributing to suicide contagion and how to reduce the risk. In addition, I will explain how society views this issue, and how this particular issue has influence my choice in becoming social worker. Suicide contagion, also known as "copycat suicide". Refers to the process where one suicide or suicidal act within a school, community, or geographic area increases the chance that others (already at risk) will attempt or complete a suicide. What this mean is that areas that experiencing a death that was intentional, are more likely to experience increasing additional suicides in that same particular area. Along with suicide contagion, there are some terms to help to deepen the understanding of what Suicide contagion really is. Suicide clusters theoretically occurs after suicide contagion. It is defined as numerous death by suicide, located in a community. These multiple deaths of suicide cannot be explain why they have occurred in such a short time frame. This leads to most communities and institutions being in denial that suicide contagion or clusters are beginning to form in there region. Suicide clusters account for 100-200 deaths annually, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and consist of more than 3 people ranging from 13 to 24 years old. Suicide clusters can be broken up into two distinguish groups which are Mass clusters and Point clusters. Mass Cluster can be easily remember as the cluster that is associated with media and press. This cluster is typically associated with high- profiled suicide cases, such as celebrity deaths by suicides or full media coverage suicide. There were reported increase in nationally death by suicide rates immediately after suicide of celebrity such Marilyn Monroe's likely suicide in 1964, which in effect created a generous spike in suicide rates because the media did not chose to censor their choice of descriptive words wisely. People are more likely to “copy-cat” a celebrity or public figure death if they identified with their nationality, gender or …show more content…
Researcher have found that mental disorder/substance abuse have been found in 90% who have died by suicide. Paying attention to "warning sign" that a person might take his or her life may such as talking about feeling hopeless, being a burden to other, withdrawing from other, or increasing use of drugs or alcohol, may lower the rates of suicide altogether. Lack of resources or Treatment options available for those seeking help. By simply partner with local mental health, social work and healthcare providers to refer students who need screening, evaluation, grief counseling and/or related services can reduce the risk of suicide clusters that may begin to