The crowd of people would chase some of the nine students when they were in classes that were not indoors such as P.E. Teachers were very rude to the nine students, allowing the white students to verbally and physically abuse the black students. They had to make the students leave early, around noon, or else they wouldn’t be able to leave the school with all nine students. The 101st Airborne Union are from Kentucky and were sent to Little Rock, Arkansas to control the crowd outside of Central High.…
In 1866, one year following the civil war, Memphis broke out suddenly and dramatically with a three-day outbreak of racial violence. This included the whites rioting through neighborhoods that consisted of black people. Forty-six freed people were murdered by the moment the fires destroying black churches and schools had been put out. Congress was irate at the fact white opposition in the conquered South initiated what was called the Radical Reconstruction. This was a policy put in place to safeguard the freedom of the region’s blacks.…
Abe Lincoln is Dead, and You are not Free: The Memphis Riot of 1866 and Its Roots in the Social Upheaval of the Reconstruction Nathin J. Birkrem Abstract On 1 May 1866 in the city of Memphis, Tennessee, an altercation between black Union soldiers and Memphis police officers started a chain reaction that eventually brought about what has come to be known as the Memphis Riots of 1866. The group of amicably intoxicated soldiers reacted negatively when told by a small group of officers to break up their party, and although no one was seriously injured, the situation quickly escalated to the point where shots were fired on both sides (Carden 2). This incident, however, was not the cause of the Memphis Riots.…
Italian, German, Japanese, and British students were originally protesting the war, which led to protesting other local issues. Though the Vietnamese war originally fueled protests, Kurlansky also argues that they are on-going because of the media. Kurlansky quotes a CBS news correspondent, David Schorr, to further prove why protesting was common, “’ Anything that indicates conflict was a candidate for something that just might get on air’” (p. 41). Kurlansky uses Schorr…
Screaming Queens is a powerful, moving documentary that exposes an event that was lost in history. Not a lot of people have heard the story of the riot at Compton’s Cafeteria. This event has been overshadowed by others such as Stonewall, but that does not make it any less significant or important. It took one determined woman, Susan Stryker to track down and uncover the true story of what happened one night in August 1996. The riot took place at Gene Compton’s Cafeteria in San Francisco.…
The Great Migration was a massive movement of African Americans from the South of the United States to the North with the largest amount coming in 1915 to 1920 of over 500,000 Blacks. African Americans left the miserable condition of the South that included low wages, racism, and horrible violence, and headed up to “The Promised Land” of the North where it was believed they could find refuge or even start over again. Black Protest and the Great Migration by Eric Arnesen is a history of documents telling the story of the African American searching for equality through the eyes of political leaders, newspapers, and regular civilians of the time between 1916 – 1925. This book teaches how the Great Migration was another source of hope that was…
The riot took place outside the Mechanics Institute as black and white delegates attended the Louisiana Constitutional Convention. The Convention had reconvened because the Louisiana state legislature had recently passed the black codes and refused to extend voting rights to black men. As a delegation of 130 black New Orleans residents marched behind the U.S. flag toward the Mechanics Institute, Mayor Monroe, A confederate veteran, organized and led a mob of ex-Confederates, white supremacists, and members of the New Orleans Police Force to the Institute blocked their path. The mayor claimed their intent was to put down any unrest that may come from the Convention but the real reason was to prevent the delegates from meeting. As the delegation came to within a couple of blocks of the Institute, shots were fired but the group was allowed to proceed to the meeting hall.…
The Vietnam War was the first televised war. The war was broadcasted back home all the time. This brought the civilians see what happened during war. This brought backlash to the Government. During the mid 60’s the United States citizens started to protest against the war.…
Documentaries have long been utilised by filmmakers whom of which are passionate about a particular topic as a means to document and educate an audience. The level of creativity and film techniques can vary between productions depending on the subject and this often will determine how effective they may be in generating an emotional response from viewers. Michael Moore is a renowned filmmaker, bestselling author, and liberal activist, who has been labelled as controversial for his tendency to focus on confronting topics such as terrorism, with his work, “Bowling for Columbine” being no exception. The overarching objective of a documentary is to elucidate on the specific injustice and bring about social change with Michael Moore’s, “Bowling for Columbine” demonstrating how this is executed. The documentary was released in October of 2002 in the wake of the tragic school shooting that would subsequently shift a nations views on gun violence from that day forward.…
The New York City draft riots were violent disturbances in New York City during 1863 that resulted in not only African American death, but extreme social tension. The animosity was a result of the new laws passed by Congress that year to draft men to fight in the ongoing American Civil War. Spanning three days, July 13th through the 16th, 1863, the riots were the culmination of the longstanding working class and largely Irish racial, political and religious resentment of the government. Working class Irish immigrants had suffered inflation, food shortages, and virulent discrimination and unemployment. Draft Laws which took effect on July 11th only fueled what was preparing to be a riot.…
The Film Higher Learning by John Singleton is entertaing yet deals with many many life and social issues. The film is about a group of college students from different countries, races and social backgrounds. These group of college students face many problems. I Think the sound and motion in the film is important because without these film elements the movie educatinal points wouldn’t be as important.…
We learned how important Social Movements are, the impact they have and what type of movements it can lead to. Although my topic doesn’t necessarily have a name as a certain organization, it is something that people are beginning to talk about which is campus assaults. There are different websites that are getting together to bring more awareness to this cause. The White House is behind one organization called “It’s On Us” which along with the President and a couple of celebrities they are bringing light to the issue. Another most recent organization is The Hunting Ground.…
It took the nation by storm and african americans that were relying on Obama to help them were waiting for their thought to be hero to make the decisions they thought to be coming. They were wrong when Obama couldn’t do much about the situation. He had to side with the law enforcement as he had no choice, but as an african american himself couldn’t act like the incident wasn’t a hate crime. If he sided with a certain side he could easily get into trouble with the wrong group of people. So when faced with the incident from a question by the press, he stayed neutral and didn’t side with either law enforcement or the african american people that were wanting his help.…
Documentaries make us think I believe that documentaries make you think a specific way about a certain topic, for instance. Bowling for Columbine draws your eye to one specific topic throughout the 2 hour documentary which is the gun control in America, how easy it is to get your hands on a gun and the Columbine High school massacre in 1999. Documentaries allow you to reflect on an issue within your society and engage with the world. Documentaries help you to see the bigger picture on an issue.…
America in the 1960’s was an extremely important time for civil rights activists nationwide. The South was an especially difficult area for most activists to achieve much change and racist tendencies still remained alive in the minds of most native born white Americans. The movie Mississippi Burning attempts to convey the true story of the murder of three civil rights activists within Southern America during this time period but misses the mark on a few key ideas and important details. Mississippi Burning is historically inaccurate in its depiction of the murder case’s trial, the significance of the murders and the most important figures during the time of the case, and the FBI’s overall presence and attitude towards the case and it’s solving.…