It brings, depression, lack of focus, lack motivation, lack of sleep, and exhaustion. All people go through stress at some point in their lives. It is an inevitable disease that spreads silently. It is difficult to face because it takes away a person’s confidence. The depression that comes with it causes a person to stop trying completely. Without the company and support of all the significant people in our lives, overcoming stress would probably be impossible. The love and support people have to offer is extremely important, because through those people a person gains back their confidence, motivation, hope, and strength to keep fighting. Stress can be frustrating, but if people deal with it properly, its demands can make them grow beyond their
It brings, depression, lack of focus, lack motivation, lack of sleep, and exhaustion. All people go through stress at some point in their lives. It is an inevitable disease that spreads silently. It is difficult to face because it takes away a person’s confidence. The depression that comes with it causes a person to stop trying completely. Without the company and support of all the significant people in our lives, overcoming stress would probably be impossible. The love and support people have to offer is extremely important, because through those people a person gains back their confidence, motivation, hope, and strength to keep fighting. Stress can be frustrating, but if people deal with it properly, its demands can make them grow beyond their