The only reason Stiles didn't tell his father himself is because Matt caught video of Sheriff Stilinski in "raging alcoholic" mode, and he's using that as blackmail against Stiles so he won't leave him. Matt becomes increasingly possessive of his boyfriend when Derek gives Stiles a few rides home from the cemetery where their father and mother are buried, respectively. Matt also becomes increasingly violent in his attacks on his significant other, escalating to choking him, pushing him down stairs, and even violence during sexual intercourse. When Derek finds out about the blackmail Matt has against Stiles and his father, he takes Matt's phone from the lacrosse locker room. This leads to Matt attacking Stiles, pushing him down a flight of stairs, and attacking him with a baseball bat at Stiles's home. Matt leaves Stiles passed out and bleeding on the floor and when the latter wakes up, he crawls to the phone and calls Derek. Derek takes Stiles to the hospital and decides to tell the sheriff and nurses what's been …show more content…
It's sad. The sheriff decided to stop drinking. That is so important to the relationship between him and Stiles. His drinking is the only reason that Stiles is with Matt, so I feel like that was an important part of Stiles's "road to recovery", so to speak. The hands-down best part of Better Than I Know Myself was when Derek had his nightmare. It was written in so much painful detail, especially the part where Derek is at Stiles's funeral. Matt's death-scene was a little cliche, and Derek was an idiot because he didn't understand what Stiles was doing. Also, at the beginning of the book, if Stiles really didn't want his injuries to be discovered, then he would be more careful and not get caught. The fact that Derek catches him is stupid. "By the time Derek’s able to escape Finstock’s insane attempt at a motivational speech for his transition to Beacon Hills, there’s only two guys left in the shower. Stiles and some other underclassman he hasn’t met yet. He keeps his eyes to himself—locker room etiquette and all—but he still catches a glimpse of the bruises all over Stiles’ torso. That team punching bag theory is looking more and more solid. Unless it’s something worse—bad home life maybe? It’s none of Derek’s business, but he can’t