Here is the article that has been floating around the internet and in my opinion is contributing to the stigma surrounding mental illness:
This article talks about mass shootings that have taken place in the last 20 years. The author here is saying guns are not the problem. No no, the guns are fine. The REAL problem (apparently) is the …show more content…
This is so WRONG. I try to stay open-minded to what people have to say but this is just pouring salt in a huge wound that those of us with mental illness have been trying to heal for a lifetime. This article is EXACTLY the reason we have so much stigma and pure ignorance attached to mental illness.
To take a bunch of stats like this to defend the use of guns. Wow. What kind of freaking world are we living in? And the thing is, people are actually buying into this!
Did this author ever think for one second that maybe the one thing all of these killers have in common is that they are in fact mentally ill and need serious help? Does he know if these killers were consistent in taking their medication? Does he know if they were seeing a doctor?
Oh and here’s one. Does he know if they consumed alcohol and illegal drugs with their “deadly cocktail”? Does he know anything about them really other than the meds the supposedly took? Were any of these men getting proper treatment at all? Probably