Mental Illness In John Steinbeck's Of Mice Of Men

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Former First Lady, Michelle Obama, addressed the issue of mental illness by saying, “At the root of this dilemma is the way we view mental health in this country. Whether an illness affects your heart, your leg, or your brain, it’s still an illness, and there should be no distinction.” In America, most people view mentally ill entities differently than someone with an illness in their heart or any other body part. It’s seen as more extreme if someone has a mental issue and they are categorized as abnormal and strange. In the novel Of Mice of Men, Lennie has mental problems that affect his nervous system and mental capacity. This human rights issue relates to people in the United States and one other country because in the novel it shows how …show more content…
“Injuries and diseases may adversely affect the brain and nervous system. Any one or a combination of injuries or diseases may acutely or chronically impair the performance of the nervous system” (Martin). This states that when someone’s diagnosed with a mental problem connected to the nervous system, their nervous system might not work the way they want it to. For example, someone mentally impaired may be holding a glass and accidently grip it too tight and break it. Their intentions weren’t to break the glass, but their nerves acted on their own and made them do something they didn’t mean to do. Another example of how a damaged nervous system can affect someone is accidental violence. In the book “Of Mice and Men”, Lenny would hold small creatures and kill them, or he’d hold someone fragile and hurt them. He wasn’t determined to hurt them, but he personally could not control the amount of force he was using. Due to the effects of him trying to be gentle and causing harm instead, Lenny would feel terrible while other people looked at him as if he were a monster. In an online article he wrote, Rick Callahan said, “While the percentage of people who linked mental illnesses to violence is small, the study found a growing acceptance for using …show more content…
A common saying everyone has heard at least once in their lives is that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. When someone who doesn’t function like everyone else does something big, the people around them have a greater response than if a fully functioning person did it. It becomes an example that those that can’t function mentally can still prosper, showing those that were born regular that they shouldn’t down themselves because there are others who are struggling and still achieving their dreams. “With the proper treatment, people with mental illness can lead productive lives and be vital parts of their communities, the report said” (Nullis). By getting treatment and showing improvement, mentally ill can set as good examples and give hope to those in their communities. With the capabilities of making their own decisions and showing independencd, people that are mentally ill and getting help provide a different point of view and a broaden the way ideas can be viewed. Rick Callahan stated in his online documentation that, “The researchers said their findings pose a contradiction because they also discovered that the public has gained a deeper understanding of the causes of mental illnesses and recognizes that such disorders can be successfully treated.” As time goes by, researchers say people are more understanding of

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