We can never truly see what our fellow man is going through Nobody can teach someone else how to grow up. Every person experiences different things and handles certain situations their own way. It isn't fair for someone to tell a person how to handle something they know nothing about.…
“An IQ score of 70 or below is considered low” (Reference.com). If a person’s IQ is extremely low and they do not always understand the consequences of their actions, should they be held accountable? In extreme cases, is killing ever justified? If a person’s IQ is extremely low and they do not always understand the consequences of their actions, should they be held accountable? Yes, because if a person with A IQ is not held accountable for their actions then they will not learn from their mistakes and they will just keep doing it because they do not know any better.…
The book Of Mice and Men is full of puzzling examples of the human condition, from Lennie and his mental disability to Curley’s wife messing with all of the men’s heads. With characters like these two, the book exploits the human condition that concerns circumstances life has gives you. John Steinbeck brings to life what being a laborer in the American depression meant to the men and one woman who had enough personality to stand out. George, Slim, Curley, and Lennie are all very different people with lives that make them have different views and priorities.…
The first example that supports my thesis is Crook’s memory of his father’s chicken ranch. While others like George, Lennie, and Candy look to the future for their dream, Crooks looks into his past, remembering the happiness he had as a small boy. Crooks explains to Lennie that the “‘white kids came to play at our place, an’ sometimes i went to play with them, and sometimes them were pretty nice’” (Steinbeck 46). In this quote Crooks hints the reader to what his dream is.…
In this case, George 's flaw is his trust in Lennie. At the end of the book even George is brought to a realization that the trust should not have been there. Which then finally brings us to believe that a type of writing that wants to convince you that everyday people matter. Of Mice and Men portrays a very particular type of realism and naturalism when the narrator looks at the characters as though their technical and obvious ways. Naturalist novels often look at the world as a place where you have to fight to survive.…
In 1937, John Steinbeck writes a dramatic tragedy, Of Mice and Men. George and Lennie are two ranch hands who can not keep a job during the Great Depression. Lennie and George have a dream, to own a piece of land with a house. Every ranch hand has this dream that Lennie and George can not seem to achieve. This is because Lennie is always “messing” things up.…
"Life... it tends to respond to our outlook, to shape itself to meet our expectations. " The author of the quote, Richard DeVos, believed that people control the way they see their lives; whether that means positively, negatively, or realistically. John Steinbeck raises a question similar to DeVos ' belief in his novel, Of Mice and Men. The book tells the story of migrant workers whose dream for a better future motivates their journeys. Steinbeck proposes that while everyone will face hardships throughout his life; each person can choose his outlook on life.…
Many literary geniuses throughout time have been inspired by events in history or other literature previous to their time, that ultimately shape and influence their writing, such as Shakespeare’s influence of Greek mythology in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, or the Red Scare influencing Arthur Miller's The Crucible. Similarly to literary projects of both past and future, John Steinbeck uses other writers such as Robert Burns to inspire his novels and influence readers across the nation. Although Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men is not a direct parallel to Robert Burns famous poem “To a Mouse” many similar themes and symbols can be connected between the two literary works. The overlying theme of both “To a Mouse” and Of Mice and Men is the common…
George should have killed Lennie. Lennie was now a murder the police or Curly would have killed him anyways. “Curly gon’ta wants get ‘im lynched” (Steinbeck Page.94). In this quote it clearly states that Lennie was going to get lynched, so George killing Lennie was just so George knew that it would be fast and Lennie wouldn’t be in more pain. Another reason George should have killed Lennie is.…
John Steinbeck’s Life in Relation to his Literary Works John Steinbeck is a famous writer in the 20th century who has written many great works of realistic fiction. These works were able to capture the tragic lives people lived and raise awareness of these problems. Many people wonder how Steinbeck was able to create such vivid detail of the events that had transpired. This was possible for him because Steinbeck had lived through those events himself and saw firsthand how people were effected by historical events. Therefore, John Steinbeck’s inspiration and influences for his books came from his own life.…
My skills deepen this semester, with the lit circle book, Hole in my Life. In Of Mice and Men I didn’t apply much thought. When something stood out I would usually underline it or write, “why? How?”, but with the lit circle books I chose a thought provoking page (since we only got one), and I pulled it apart with analytical thinking. I made connections with previous pages and wrote what they meant.…
Have you reached your dream? Many people spend their whole lives trying to reach their dreams but never get there. In John Steinbeck’s OF MICE AND MEN it tells a story about reaching the American Dream. It tells of the challenges one faces along this journey, it tells about friendship and love along the way, and how one deals with the challenges thrown his…
The novel, Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck is a potent piece of literature despite its short 107 page length. This book tells the truth of early 20th century history while instilling crucial life lessons in the reader. Some of these teachings include: racial discrimination, sexism, segregation, and prejudice. During the course of the story, George cares for the mentally disabled Lennie as they travel throughout California in search of work and fulfilling their American Dream. In the end George must make a life changing decision that affects everyone.…
When I read this beginning sentence, what stands out in my mind is how Steinbeck uses the description of a natural place to convey the evidence of humans who were once there. He speaks of a beaten path, ash pile, and a limb that has been worn smooth, all points leading to the proof of who last traveled there. From the details the author gives, the reader can conjure a theory about what type of people came to this land before Lennie and George. He describes how the pool by the river is often visited by men walking the highway, and how the sycamore near it has been worn smooth by men who have sat there, leading me to believe that these travelers must have been exhausted from their journeys and seeking a place to rest. Knowing that this story…
John Steinbeck, author of the book: Of Mice and Men, has a straightforward, detailed and honest writing style. He blatantly speaks his mind, as if to say to the reader, here are my thoughts take them as they are. Steinbeck also makes a point to entrust you with his immense philosophies disguised in characters and settings. Themes such as loneliness, pride and friendship are deeply and clearly embedded in the novel, we know this because he stresses that people need friendship and love from others to thrive.…