Among them, North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) holds a significant place in the world of STs. The development and use of nursing diagnosis in nursing practice was a means of defining nursing practice both inside and outside the profession and contributed the growth of nursing autonomy. This is also one of the nursing terminology I am familiar with and utilize in my daily practice to diagnose and plan my nursing care. NANDA is the foundational element of STs and has been developed by Norma Lang. It is a nursing diagnosis classification established to define nursing judgements when providing care. These diagnoses are the foundation for developing appropriate nursing interventions and instituting desirable patient outcomes (Schwirian, 2013). The NANDA International classification and taxonomy consists of clinical terminologies for nurse to use and provide tools to improve communication among health care providers. It improves the quality of patient assessments and clinical decisions of nurses and guide to recognize the patient, family and community needs and problems. This framework has three levels such as domains, classes and nursing diagnosis concepts. For an example by using NANDA I can make a nursing diagnosis for a patient admitted with Heart failure. According to NANDA International the heart failure is known as Decreased Cardiac Output (DCO). The nursing diagnosis of DCO can be placed in the domain Activity/Rest and in the class cardiovascular /Pulmonary Responses. It is defined as an inadequate blood pumped by the heart to meet the demands of the body resulted in presence of one or more defining characteristics such as heart rate/rhythm, altered preload, and afterload and behavioral or emotional changes which determines its specific signs and symptoms. Therefore STs such as NANDA, facilitates the nurses to develop appropriate nursing diagnosis to focus
Among them, North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) holds a significant place in the world of STs. The development and use of nursing diagnosis in nursing practice was a means of defining nursing practice both inside and outside the profession and contributed the growth of nursing autonomy. This is also one of the nursing terminology I am familiar with and utilize in my daily practice to diagnose and plan my nursing care. NANDA is the foundational element of STs and has been developed by Norma Lang. It is a nursing diagnosis classification established to define nursing judgements when providing care. These diagnoses are the foundation for developing appropriate nursing interventions and instituting desirable patient outcomes (Schwirian, 2013). The NANDA International classification and taxonomy consists of clinical terminologies for nurse to use and provide tools to improve communication among health care providers. It improves the quality of patient assessments and clinical decisions of nurses and guide to recognize the patient, family and community needs and problems. This framework has three levels such as domains, classes and nursing diagnosis concepts. For an example by using NANDA I can make a nursing diagnosis for a patient admitted with Heart failure. According to NANDA International the heart failure is known as Decreased Cardiac Output (DCO). The nursing diagnosis of DCO can be placed in the domain Activity/Rest and in the class cardiovascular /Pulmonary Responses. It is defined as an inadequate blood pumped by the heart to meet the demands of the body resulted in presence of one or more defining characteristics such as heart rate/rhythm, altered preload, and afterload and behavioral or emotional changes which determines its specific signs and symptoms. Therefore STs such as NANDA, facilitates the nurses to develop appropriate nursing diagnosis to focus