From the medulla oblongata to the first lumbar nerve is where the spinal cord ends. Just like the brain, that has a protection from the cranium. So, does the spinal cord. Without out the protection of the meninges and the vertebras then it would be effortless to damage the spinal cord. There are three part of the meninges: dura, arachnoid, and pia mater that are made from fat and connective tissues. These maters circle around the spinal cord and brain. The thickest out of the three is the dura mater. It superficial to the spinal cord. The arachnoid is underneath the dura. The difference between the two is the arachnoid is not as thick as the dura mater. The web-like found in the arachnoid mater is an elastic fiber and collagen. Subdural space is in-between the dura and arachnoid has intestinal fluid. The pia mater is a transparent layer that has a thin elastic fiber. It found in the inner part of the spinal cord. Meninges are covered the spinal nerve internal structure. The internal structure is made from two matters. Within the grey matter, Dorsal, ventral, and lateral horns provide nerve impulses from to skeletal muscle, incoming sensory neuron to regulation of the smooth muscles. Between the spinal nerve and the vertebra is a fluid called the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The CSF is cushion for the CNS. These very delicate structure that can easily be …show more content…
It is about 45 centimeters in length. The way that it function is important in our way of life. The way that it is structure form have various portion. From it connection to the brain and numerous amount of nerves that spread across the body. It protection is vital because if the spinal cord is damage then there will be consequences to what you do in your daily routine. Meninges, vertebra, are cerebrospinal fluid are part of the spinal cord protection. Meninges have three layers of connective tissues that surrounds the spinal cord. Other have a dense tissue that is in the outer surface of the cord to ones that are translucent. The internal structure is made of grey and white matter. Within the grey matter contains three horns that are the nuclei of the spinal cord. There 33 vertebras in a human’s body that will protect the spinal cord. Within those vertebras are 31 pair of spinal nerve that receive information from the brain and the spinal cord is like the process of a switchboard operator. It will obtain the information from the brain the spinal cord will inform the rest of the body and the same in vice versa. At the end of the spinal cord has branches of nerves that extents to the lower limb of the body. The abnormal function of the spinal cord is when it becomes damage from disease like Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Multiple Sclerosis. Neurons from the axons are damage from the connective tissues. MS mistake myelin as