The cerebral aqueduct is a tube that connects the third ventricle to the fourth ventricle. The Cerebral Spinal Fluid connects with subachnoid space and helps protect the brain. The Cerebral Spinal Fluid comes through the Arachnoid granulation to be reabsorbed into the blood…
Hydrocephalus is a medical condition in which there is cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. This cause increases pressure inside the skull and may cause enlargement of the head if it occurs in the childhood, it can cause convulsions, mental disability and tunnel vision. It can also be called “Water on the brain.” Hydrocephalus can be inherited or acquired factors. This includes Spina Bifida, Craniosynostosis and Vein of Galen malformations.…
Football Concussions Helmets were not always standard gear until after World War II, some pioneering players wore primitive head covering as far back as the early 1900s. The earliest versions were made of soft leather and were designed to cover the ears. The flaps on the original head harnesses covered the ear completely. They were ridiculed for hindering communication on the playing field. The first helmets offering full protection of the skull and featuring holes in the earflaps were introduced between 1915 and 1917.…
To many, the brain is seen as the most important organ in the body. The rest of the body sends signals to the brain, the brain processes and interrupts the information, and then brain guides the body to do what is needed. Without the brain, the heart would not pump, the lungs would not breathe, etcetera. Protecting the brain is a thick layer of bone (the skull), several layers of hard membranes labeled as the meninges, fluids, muscles, skin, and other tissues. As expected, an important organ such as the brain is heavily protected.…
This is the only protection that is has against traumatic blows. When you hit your head against something with a hard enough impact. This small layer of fluid is not enough protection. The brain can hit the inside of your skull and a bruising can develop, and an inevitable bruising can happen on the opposite side of the brain when the brain snaps back into place. The brain can twist and rotate too depending on how the impact occurred, straining the nerve cells in the brain, and permanently losing the ability for the nerves to communicate with the rest of the body.…
However, the actual disruption of homeostasis caused by a concussion is astounding. Not only is it one of the most potentially crippling and fatal injuries, it is also not talked about nearly enough. The brain is surrounded by a layer of cerebrospinal fluid, supplied by the dura, which is attached to the…
Your brain is a soft organ that is surrounded by spinal fluid and protected by your hard skull. Normally, the fluid around your brain acts like a cushion that keeps your brain from banging into your skull, but if your head or your body is hit hard, your brain can crash into your skull and be injured because your brain is freely floating around. An estimated 300 ,000 sport-related traumatic brain injuries, predominantly concussions, occur annually in the United States. An estimated 250 000 of those are concussions occurring in football alone (Mueller).…
The brain is one of the most perplexing organs of the body and concussions, since the first diagnosis have been one of the most puzzling injuries that human’s experience. There has not been a lot of research done to find out the extent of damage they cause on the human brain or why they can cause the variety of symptoms that they do, especially in sports. Many trainers have begun to have their players wear mouthguards, due to research leading doctors to believe that mouthguards can help to dissipate the power of blows taken by players during contact play. This paper will examine the claim that mouthguards prevent concussions. This is an interesting topic, because I suffered a concussion without a mouthguard, and my trainer suggested that if…
Accumulative blows to the head, after effects, and prevention Ricario L. Bowen The brain is the most important part of the body and is also one of the most delicate. The brain is used for almost everything and without it a person would not be able to live. Brain injuries have been a major concern in contact sports, specifically football. Brain injuries are most common in these sports, mainly because it is a contact sport, which increases the rate of brain injuries.…
“It is only recently that we have understood traumatic brain injuries, the helmets that we are using today were not designed to protect the brain, they are designed to protect the skull fracture”(University Study). People everywhere around the world are receiving concussions everyday for everyday activities or participating in a sport. A concussion is a temporary unconsciousness caused by a blow to the head. The term is also used loosely of the aftereffects such as confusion or temporary incapacity. The best way to describe a concussion is like Jell-O, you bang it and the Jell-O wiggles away, it is not smashing against the side of the skull but either chemically or receptor wise, things start falling out of place(Guy Gugliotta).…
Humans are always trying to protect things; parents protecting their children, soldiers protecting their country, and Donald Trump protecting his credibility. Unfortunately, the one thing humans cannot protect is the brain. The human body is made up of hundreds of bones and muscles that protect the body, although the brain is one body part they cannot protect. When the brain is hit back and forth on the skull it causes injuries to brain tissue known as a concussion. Concussions can affect different parts of the brain and can only be healed through time.…
Concussions Concussions take the life of 138 people in the United States every day (CDC 1). A concussion is the consequence after a hit taken to the head, causing the brain to rattle and hit the side of the skull and swell. Over the last several years, concussions have become an apparent problem. They can have a magnitude of effects on the body and might cause serious health problems in the future. Also these can happen everywhere, for example, playing sports or getting into a car crash.…
What Causes a Concussion? 1. The four different methods, and their limitations, that researchers have used to measure how the skull responds to impact: • Animal studies Limitations: applying animal results to humans can be difficult. Concussions were not fully understood during this time of research (i.e. the loss of consciousness for diagnosis).…
The brain is the most vital part of the body. It is how we control emotions, sense pain, and analyze and make decisions. If you injure your head it rattles your brain, can have terrible short term effects, and expose you to many long term dangers. When your brain is hit the impact causes your brain to shake around your skull. The brain hits your skull damaging the neurons and other cells that are required for the brain to function.…
Every year over 100,000 concussions happen in football. 60% of them are from head to head collisions. So this begs the question, Does the NFL pay enough for people who could possibly end up with serious brain damage, long-term injuries, pain and medical expenses? Should fans feel guilty about supporting it? Studies show in an impact lasting only 15 milliseconds a player’s head can experience up to 100 Gs of force.…