The human body consists of many different parts, but the most important one is the brain. The brain communicate with trillions of synapses, and has specialized areas that work together to make the brain function as one. The brain has developed ways to respond to different injuries, for example headache and strokes. Scientists have found treatments. The name of one is Thrombolytics. Thrombolytics is injected through the vein to help cure strokes. Also, this organ has a helmet like structure called the skull or the cranium, this is the outer layer that protects the organ from any damage or injury. The structure of the brain is made up of cerebellum, cortex, cranium, basal ganglia, brain stem, spinal cord.[] The …show more content…
Treatment plays a big part in the Wounded Warriors Program. PTSD is considered a traumatic brain injury due to being exposed to explosives and physical impact. Today many soldiers are returning from war with specific brain injuries. Fortunately, many of them are being treated through the Wounded Warriors Program. The Wounded Warriors families have to be strong to withstand the reality. The person they once knew is no longer here and a new chapter for their family has begun. Because his/her life is different after their experience. Congress has passed a law called the National Authorization Act of 2007. This gives the warriors family the right to access health care providers for their love ones. Families work with the health care providers to extend the care of their soldiers. Rehabilitative care center treatment helps restore the individual to daily life. Sometime the health care provider may have to take a step further and resort to surgery. Surgical treatment is to prevent or minimize a second …show more content…
Interpretation of movement, senses and, behavior are the most important aspect of the brain. These are the normal contributions to everyday life. Amazing is the word that describes this small complex organ that cannot be mastered. Signals for body parts are forwarded from different parts of the brain, which are called the left and right hemispheres. Broca’s area is on the frontal left lobe known for transforming words from thoughts. There are four types of lobes designed to send and receive messages. There are names for frontal lobes, parietal lobes, occipital lobes, and temporal