Spells to Make Someone Stop Cheating
To cast these spells, you would need one red coloured candle, one sterile needle, yarn or thread, one organic chicken wing, one sheet of parchment paper, matches and three drops of blood. To …show more content…
You must carry out these spells with open heart. For this, you would need one white coloured thick candle, one red coloured thick candle, one pencil, one sheet of parchment paper, toothpicks and matchbox. Now, you have to write your name on white candle and your lover’s name on red candle. Light up both the candles with matchstick. Next step of these spells to make someone stop cheating is to concentrate on the candle for half an hour. You have to think about how faithful you want your partner to be and visualise the situation.
Using pencils, create three hearts and drop wax from pink candle in each heart. While you do so, you have to focus on what you feel about your lover and what you can do for him. After covering the hearts with that wax, next step in this voodoo spell for cheating husband is to turn off the white candle. Now, you have to take red candle to fill the hearts with wax. When you do so, focus on what you want to get from your lover. For instance, you can feel that he should not have feelings for anyone else except you. Once you are done with this voodoo spell for cheating husband, turn off the red