Southern Louisiana Flooding Case Study

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Well this past week was a difficult and challenging week for the Gulf Coast District and our team members.

Seven days ago historic rains began in Southern Louisiana. The slow moving system sat over the Baton Rouge region for days dumping more than 31 inches of rain in some areas before proceeding west and continuing to drench parts of Texas. Southern Louisiana is accustom to rain, but this system resulted in record flooding within the region and areas that had never experienced flooding were impacted. Many of our Baton Rouge team member’s homes and communities were flooded or the roads to and from their homes were under water. Our Baton Rouge facility was overcome with water and approximately 48 bbls of product were released from the roofs of several tanks and recovered from the tank dikes and retention pond.
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The source of the release was later identified as our North Port Arthur Injection valve (Line 2 Port Arthur to Hebert segment) and unofficially we have recovered approximately 45 bbls of

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