Social Media Ruining Society

Improved Essays
In today’s digital age a new market has opened up and exploded. It is called social media and it comes in many forms. Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, the list goes on and on. Although some might say we are benefitting from this new social age, I feel that social media can be abused and become a source of social anxiety, a medium for spreading hate, and can lead to personal information being sent to places it shouldn’t be.

Many like to say that the accessibility and speed of social media is part of the reason we like it so much. But maybe that accessibility is part of the problem? Himanshu Tyagi, a specialist in psychotherapy, stated in his address to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, “People used to the quick pace of online social networking may soon find the real world boring and unstimulating.” This statement has great value as Tyagi is an expert in this field of research. As well, it makes sense that if we are used to information coming to us in one click or tweet, we would find normal life “boring.” Those who are the most adjusted to social media could be the least ready for social matters and situations. Their lack of experience with real life encounters may lead to problems such as social anxiety and awkwardness.
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However social media can be used to put down ideas of tolerance and replace them with hate, and various forms of intolerance. Some might say that social media can be used to spread love and joy, but it could just as well be used for the opposite. As Christian Wolf stated in his INACH address,

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