SEGUÍN, JUAN NEPOMUCENO (1806–1890). Juan Seguín, political and military figure of the Texas Revolution and Republic of Texas, was born in San Antonio on October 27, 1806, the elder of two sons of Juan José María Erasmo Seguín and María Josefa Becerra. Although he had little formal schooling, Juan was encouraged by his father to read and write, and he appears to have taken some interest in music. At age nineteen he married María Gertrudis Flores de Abrego, a member of one of San Antonio's most important ranching families. They had ten children, among whom Santiago was a mayor of Nuevo Laredo and Juan, Jr., was an officer in the Mexican military in the 1860s and 1870s.…
Birth: Zachary Taylor was an American president born on November 24, 1784, in Barboursville, Virginia. Sadly Zachary died on July 9, 1850 in Washington D.C. Unfortunately, he died of an an infectious disease and that caused his presidency to be cut very short. Due to this short length of service, many people didn't consider him a president worthy of remembering and damaged his overall legacy. Party?:…
Samuel Adams was born on September 27, 1722. He was born in Boston Massachusetts and graduated from Harvard in the year of 1740. He was the son of a merchant and maltster. After graduation Sam Adams was unsuccessful at becoming a brewer and a newspaper publisher. He later discovered that politics were his true calling.…
The Creoles wanted to gain access to the land that the Indians were on. Simon Bolivar explain the Creoles situation as “most extraordinary and complicated.” because they wanted to own the indian’s land, all while keep their social status up. In addition to wanting land, the Creoles also wanted more power. They had growing economic and social power, but they wanted the peninsulares power, which was administrative power.…
Bolivar managed to defeat Spain and liberate South America. He created the six nations that are Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru, and Bolivia. Though the only reactions he received was jealousy, and political dysfunction. What Bolivar did not want is exactly what happened after his death and was a leader like Hugo Chavez. While Chavez died a rich man, Bolivar died poor.…
Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd President of the United States. He also made up the Declaration of Independence in 1766. Thomas Jefferson has a long history behind him about how he lived life before he was President of the U.S. Jefferson is well known for the Louisiana Purchase and how it helped by purchasing it. There was also a very big conflict with the Federalists vs. the Anti - Federalists which involved Thomas Jefferson being a big Anti-Federalist. Lastly, this information will provide the facts and opinions toward Thomas Jefferson and his impact on the U.S.…
In the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson had written that “all men are created equal.” However many people including Jefferson himself did not believe this statement was true for African American’s. The roots of the anti-slavery movement was dated all the way back to this time. Since the colonial times Quakers had taught that it was a sin for one human being to own another. Later on during the Second Great Awakening, ministers like Charles Grandison Finney called on Christians to join a crusade to stamp out slavery.…
The Louisiana Purchase would go against everything Thomas Jefferson believes in; but with all the advantages the land gave the country and for how cheap, Jefferson had to take it. As said before Thomas believed in a limited government and with this purchase it will show federal power taking action. This was an example of an active government which is far from limited. Jefferson had to basically go behind the legislative branch’s back to get this signed. The treaty to purchase Louisiana was instead pursued by the executive branch.…
Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson was a major part of our history. He was incredible, intelligent, and strong leader. He was born on April 13, 1743 in Charlottesville, Virginia. He married Martha Wayles Skelton and together they had six children . Jefferson did more for our then brand new country than most people thought.…
When one thinks of the “American Revolution,” often they are referring to the struggles of the (soon to be) United States in North America, against the British in the late 1700’s. However, the American British Colonies were not the only group in the New World to rebel against their distant sovereigns during this time. By examining the similarities (and lack thereof) between the North American revolution and the Spanish-American revolutions, it becomes much clearer that the United States, as we tend to think about it in modern times, is not the inventor of freedom and democracy. In fact, the American Revolution was part of a vast movement, one that echoed across the globe for many years! Driven by revolution, rebellion, nationalism, and war, this upheaval in ideas moved far beyond the simple concept of “hungry people won;t stay hungry for long.”…
The French Revolution took place in France from 1789-1799. It was a period of time when the people overthrow the government and took over to create a better leadership for the country. The Mexican Revolution for Independence lasted for 11 years from 1810-1821. It was a bloody battle between the Mexican people and people who were loyal to Spain. The French and the Mexican Revolution are similar in that they both were motivated and inspired by Enlightenment ideas.…
Thomas Jefferson was a person who had a huge effect on the histories of both The United States and Europe. He was one of the founder of the Declaration of Independence. He affected people in The United States and Europe by his ideas and studies on democracy and freedom. He believed that The United States is a chosen country. Americans are chosen and they are a hope for rest of the world.…
The Revolutionary Era During the time of the Revolutionary wars within America, France, and Haiti, there are differing opinions of independence. By evaluating each source given, the variations are evident. In terms of these revolutions, each county’s idea of liberty has several different meanings. For example, the United States discusses that all are entitled to certain unalienable rights, among them are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Whereas, the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen in France, states that men are born free and equal in rights.…
The historical political development of Latin America is one that has been wroth with bloodshed, disagreement, and ultimately compromise. As we begin to analyze this area of the globe and its current state of political development—ranging from the impending impeachment of Brazilian President, Dilma Rouseff to the crippling democracy occurring under the quasi-dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro—it is important to critically engage with the historical trends and values which gave rise to a continent of liberal democracies. John Charles Chasteen’s Americanos: Latin America’s Struggle For Independence is seminal to understanding Latin American politics and history as it engages with the historical battles—both ideological and practical—in which leaders…
SS014: Thinkpiece No. 2 JOSE RIZAL AND THE 1896 REVOLUTION Bicomong, Patricia Anne B. 2015101919 History tells us that Dr. Jose Rizal became the Philippine national hero as he fought for freedom using a pen as a sword. Rizal is well-known for his two novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. Unlike other national heroes who fought aggressively and through violent means, Rizal believed that independence could be achieved peacefully. All Filipinos and even non-Filipinos who study the history of the Philippines know Rizal’s heroism primarily because of his martyrdom.…