Westward Exploration And Expansion Analysis

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Westward exploration and expansion were motivated by many different factors, focusing on power, dominance, money and spirituality. Spaniards, English, Canadians, Russians and Native Americans all viewed this region as extraordinary, and strived for sovereignty rights. From 1760-1815, many accomplished explores came west looking for adventure, excitement, exploration and for many, wealth. Trade was connected directly with economic success in governments. Many English trappers headed west after the fall of the French fur trade, and found ample new supplies of wild life, to commence a worldwide love for the newly desired beaver fur. Explorers and trappers, Peter Pond and Alexander Henry, opened a new movement, which brought excitement to the western geography. The most famous exploration and movement, the Corps of Discovery expedition, was prompted by President …show more content…
Catholics and Protestants argued over their views of spreading Christianity. Catholics wanted to spread the word of Christian Salvation, while Protestants believed that civilization and Salvation are united as one. Because their core values were quite different, their successfulness was too. The Catholics acceptance of the Indian culture made Catholicism more attractive and less intrusive to the Indian lifestyle.
I believe the meaning of the title “Dreams and Discoveries” was used as a metaphor for the idealism that society had about the undiscovered west. The human spirit looks upon the unknown with adventure and romanticism. Just like most societies, they were looking for a brighter and more fulfilling life. They looked at westward exploration and migration as the Age of Enlightenment, similar to how we look at space, as the new frontier. Known as the Romantic Period, 1800-1840, dreams and discovers are witnessed in their art, writing and movement westward for a new

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