According to “The Closing of the Western Frontier” packet, one of our great and supreme leader's Chief Standing Bear had a message. In that message, we believe the point he was trying to get across was that we will adapt anywhere you put us. Except if we are forcefully moved, which was exactly how we were treated. He also stated “The Indians belong just as much as the buffalo”, which means to us that since we were here first; here is where we have the right to remain. The land belonged to us. The White Man had no right to to take away all that we were entitled to as people and equals. One of our brother’s or sister’s that prefers to remain anonymous, spoke on how poorly we were treated by the White Man. They stated how when the White Settlers came, they “brought their bibles” and “killed us with guns and diseases”. These are words straight from a person’s mouth with the same background, who went through exactly what my family and I had to. This had an affect on every Indian in the West. These words prove how badly we were tortured. How they came over prosecuting us to become christians, bringing weapons of sorts that we’ve never even seen before, and exposing us to diseases and illness that we weren’t even immune to! Then when we refuse their offer of their …show more content…
But one of their many reasons was to escape poverty. It states that they went on their faith, themselves, God and their country knowing that they could do this. They believed that they could have a brand new life and take a risk to get out of their old conditions. Not saying that couldn’t be true but if that was the case, then why come to the West and try to have power over the us and try to persuade us to believe in your religion? If you came to the West to get peace, then that’s exactly what you should’ve gave us! The White settlers may claim that they really didn’t treat us unfairly because in 1865, Chief Joseph’s father signed a treaty that allowed our people to retain much of our lands. However, after months of fighting and forced marches, many of the Nez Perce were sent to reservations (now known as Oklahoma) where many of them died. Then the government had the nerve to offer forgiveness if only we reported to Army Forts. So again that right there is another unfair advantage for us Indians. Not only that but on November 29, John Chivington advocated an Indian extermination where troops attacked, killing about 200 of us , mostly our women and children. There is another inequitable advantage so therefore, that excuse isn’t