Causes Of Westward Expansion

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The United States expanded across North America to the west at a rapid rate most notably in the 1840’s through the 1850s. Many social, econonomic, and political factors lead to the nations growth and acquisition of land. Social interests included families’ desire to seek more land out west along with economic opportunities for interstate commerce and political agendas concerning territorial expansion.

The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 from the French government, by President Thomas Jefferson, cost $15 million, and included territory from Canada to New Orleans, and the Mississippi to the Rocky Mountains (Westward Expansion, 2009). The purchase of these territories doubled United States’ size and according to Jefferson it was crucial to the nation’s
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The 1846, Oregon Treaty, after the negotiations with Great Britain, Oregon joined the United States of America as a free state (“Manifest …show more content…
On March 1, 1845, Mexico decided to cut diplomatic relations with United States after the Treaty of Annexation, and Texas was admitted into the Unites States on December 29. (MILESTONES, n.d.).The end of the Mexican War with Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848, gave the U.S over 1 million square miles of land. (MILESTONES, n.d.) Rapid progression to the went coast increased with the discovery of Gold, creating economic opportunities that led to a population boom in California (The Gold Rush, 2009). When gold was discovered in the Sacramento Valley in early 1848, the gold rush began creating an increase in population that went from 1,000 to 100,000 in a year’s time, also by 1852, $2 billon in gold had been mined (The Gold Rush,

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