In 2003, the United States invaded Iraq because they believed they had weapons of mass destruction and Saddam was committing war crimes against his own people. The US ended up learning that Iraq did never have any types of weapons of mass destruction and they still fueled the civil war that caused the fall of Saddam, which caused for an extremely weak government. “ISIL declared itself the new caliphate after conquering large amounts of territory in Iraq and Syria last June, slaughtering Iraqi soldiers and policemen, Shiites and religious minorities in the process.” This quote shows that maybe it would’ve been better if Saddam stayed in power even though he was a terrible human being who did awful things but still it is always better for less people to die then more. Not only has the situation in the Middle East grown worse because of Isis but the Untied States and other world powers such as France, Germany, and more are always at risk for terrorist attacks or homegrown jihadists. …show more content…
“The Islamic State looks to be a winner right now,” says Riedel, comparing ISIL to al Qaeda. The U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency has warned that the Islamic State is assembling a “growing international footprint,” with extremist groups in Libya, Egypt’s northern Sinai and Algeria, pledging allegiance to ISIL” So not only is there a presence of Isis in Iraq in and Syria but they are growing rapidly in the middle east as many of the Muslims believe the Untied States is at fault for all the chaos and the death of there own people so they want revenge which causes this never ending cycle of killing. The United States is stuck in the same position as they were back in 2003 and that is now if they should allow Bashar Al Assad to stay in power. Well the US is once again making the same mistake by trying to dethrone a dictator in the Middle East and this has only escalated the control Isis has in Syria. The more control ISIS gets the worse the civil war gets and the even more worse as helpless people try to flee the bloodshed by going to Europe or other countries. “A string of terrorist attacks since 2001 has made Europeans nervous about immigrants from Muslim countries, a fear underlined after the lethal January attack on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a kosher grocery store in Paris by gunmen linked to Islamic militant groups in Yemen. However, all three gunmen were French, born and raised in Paris.” So if all these countries in NATO that don’t want to deal with a influx of Muslim refugees then they should first focus on getting rid of the main problem which is Isis and then maybe down the line it should be up to the country if they still want their President