If only we had evidence of what truly went down between that teenage boy and that police officer. If only we could see the truth unfold through a television screen. A camera’s purpose is to capture a live moment, preserve it, and share it with others. Body cameras on police officers should be mandatory because they will help monitor police behavior, provide evidence, and instill trust.
Body cameras will survey police behavior, thereby minimizing any inappropriate decisions. For example, in 2012, the city of Rialto outfitted all 70 of their uniformed police officers with cameras. This later on lead to an 88% reduction in public complaints against officers, and a 60% decline in officers’ use of force. This shows that police officers will act completely different and will watch their actions when they know that they are being recorded. People act differently when they know they are being watched because the presence of others encourages them to do the ‘right’ thing in order to gain social approval. …show more content…
For example, A Mesa Arizona police officer got into an altercation outside of a local Circle K in 2014. The officer’s confrontation with the individual soon turned into a fight. Fortunately for the officer, he was wearing a body camera, recording the confrontation from his perspective. There would have been difficultly deciding between the officer’s version of the story and the individual’s story if there was not a recording of the incident. The body camera showed specifically what occurred between the two individuals, thus proving the innocence of the