She is doing this because she is mad at her father for lying to her about being adopted. Now she isn’t doing this intentionally to hurt her father, she is overcome with the news of being adopted. She is simply testing her parents to see if she sins what they will do to her. I believe that Ellen is justified in her behavior in “Personal Testimony” simply because she is coping with the fact of being lied to and being adopted at 9 years old. All three short stories discussion above each had points where the behavior shouldn’t be justified and points where is should be justified. Overall I believe that Leroy was justified for staying at home and trying to fix his marriage, as well as Ellen was for sinning against her father because she was overcome with emotion. Mrs. Russell in “Great Falls” is the only one that I find unjustified because she was being plain selfish for leaving her son and
She is doing this because she is mad at her father for lying to her about being adopted. Now she isn’t doing this intentionally to hurt her father, she is overcome with the news of being adopted. She is simply testing her parents to see if she sins what they will do to her. I believe that Ellen is justified in her behavior in “Personal Testimony” simply because she is coping with the fact of being lied to and being adopted at 9 years old. All three short stories discussion above each had points where the behavior shouldn’t be justified and points where is should be justified. Overall I believe that Leroy was justified for staying at home and trying to fix his marriage, as well as Ellen was for sinning against her father because she was overcome with emotion. Mrs. Russell in “Great Falls” is the only one that I find unjustified because she was being plain selfish for leaving her son and