School Gang Swot Analysis

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Strengths for Change Gang involvement is on the rise in most if not in every community, affecting socioeconomic status, ethnic composition, and population (GREAT). Despite a continuous increase with youth gang affiliations in underserved communities, there is still a scarcity of promising or effectual gang prevention and intervention programs offered by schools. One reason for the lack of programs has to do with the time and resource constraints that school administrators face. With limitations on resources school superintendents need to consider the “cost and benefits” of each possible intervention plan (GREAT). As a consequence to low intervention program, risk factors such as social disorganization, and poverty, low educational commitment and success, friendship with aberrant peers, and little to no parental attachment will continue to make a path toward gang affiliation and criminal actions. The odds that a student will affiliate with gangs and violence only rise with greater the exposure to risk factors. Observations have confirmed that gang involvement correlates with increased law violating behaviors alongside victimization in and out of school, vastly decreasing the possibility of graduating (GREAT). Without having met the average educational expectations may result in severe consequences throughout an individual’s life. The most important factor that one must contain when teaching teenage students the right way to strive and prosper is the ability keep calm. In other words one needs to be in a good mood in order to score “touchdowns”. The main idea is to do anything and everything to bring out the best in every individual without considering their situations at home, in the neighborhood, or in school. Activities with constant interaction with no restrictions are those that prove to work the best. If an activity is scheduled for an hour it doesn’t matter extending the time for another thirty minutes or another hour as long as the objective stays the same; inspire, impact, and educate. Students of all ages who constantly face and experience traumatizing events such as domestic violence, gang violence, gender discrimination, and even racial slurs eventually end up seeing everyone as an enemy. Thus comes the need for educators that will dig, poke, and do things differently to show them that not everything is black and negative. Revelations of great sorrow can also be those that reveal a brighter side of life such as a bird being freed from its cage, migrating into a habitat full of nature and freedom. …show more content…
Giving someone a setting where they can speak freely, be listened, and come out with an issue that is held inside gives notion that there are people that recognize their struggles and pain. Educators do not need to be accurate with notebooks having specific-size margins as long as the activities engage students and demand interaction; everything will fall into once educators know what students need. It is important however that any witness to another’s participation in unacceptable behavior comes forward to those in charge, even if supervisors are guilty of commiting dishonorable actions. It is better to get rid of evil from its roots rather than having it spread or as Holocaust survivor Renee Firestone states, “evil prevails when good people do nothing.” Educators in communities surrounded by poverty and violence must model what they want from their students, good communication for the betterment of all, for the sole reason that students who have dealt with poverty and violence will not tell, rat, or snitch. Educators need to feel that they are liable for their students’ actions in and outside of the classroom. Getting to others can be exhausting because it is constant trial and error with practices frequently being twisted along the way in order to benefit students. Attention is required for the entire minutia implicated with the activities that will provide those involved with the most impactful days in their life. Furthermore, standards must be required to be increased every time a goal is surpassed for the simple reason that determination makes all things possible. It is about making students feel validated and special because they are the individuals who have to deal with life in the toughest neighborhoods with undesirable conditions and heartbreaking occurrences. One does not need to offer expensive cars, fancy dinners, fancy hotel accommodations, or a meet and

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