Satire Essay On Alcohol

Improved Essays
One more drink won’t hurt. One more drink, just one more. Climbing higher and higher, cup by cup. Failing to notice the spinning room, that I am reaching my limit. The haziness increasing as I reach for another red cup, instead knocking it over. I’m teetering on the pinnacle of the world, yet seemingly untouchable. I take another step, down another drink, and suddenly I stumble. I am falling. With alcohol as my guide, I ascended a mountain of pleasure, but my stay was merely fleeting. I did not belong there. It abandoned me, propelling me to the sinking and spiraling plunge towards unknown reality. Often we do not perceive this cavernous reality, that it is the life of copious amounts of those around us so everybody please stand up. One person from each group remain standing. Your classmates still standing represent a twenty percent of people who have already had at least one drink by the age of 13. Now, of the people still standing, three people please sit down. Look around you. These remaining two people are predicted to develop an alcohol addiction later in their lives, a large forty percent of people who begin drinking before the age of 13. They represent the 27.74 million people in the United States alone who struggle …show more content…
Society constantly drives us towards fabricated pleasure, suffocating us with the falsity that we are defined by this ephemeral clasp on euphoria. Even our constitution itself binds us the promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our mental walls are persistently being laid siege by the temptations of artificial pleasure. As Patrick Henry said, “We [as humans] are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth.” Many a man thinks he is buying pleasure when he is really selling himself a slave to it. We believe it to be harmless, but once that door is opened, it can never be shut. Alcohol is an escape from the reality of one’s life and is used to find happiness in only the briefest of

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