Society constantly drives us towards fabricated pleasure, suffocating us with the falsity that we are defined by this ephemeral clasp on euphoria. Even our constitution itself binds us the promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our mental walls are persistently being laid siege by the temptations of artificial pleasure. As Patrick Henry said, “We [as humans] are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth.” Many a man thinks he is buying pleasure when he is really selling himself a slave to it. We believe it to be harmless, but once that door is opened, it can never be shut. Alcohol is an escape from the reality of one’s life and is used to find happiness in only the briefest of
Society constantly drives us towards fabricated pleasure, suffocating us with the falsity that we are defined by this ephemeral clasp on euphoria. Even our constitution itself binds us the promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our mental walls are persistently being laid siege by the temptations of artificial pleasure. As Patrick Henry said, “We [as humans] are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth.” Many a man thinks he is buying pleasure when he is really selling himself a slave to it. We believe it to be harmless, but once that door is opened, it can never be shut. Alcohol is an escape from the reality of one’s life and is used to find happiness in only the briefest of