The Haggadah first affects Zarah. She is an artist who was originally disguised as boy, and was kidnapped and was sent work where she was discovered. She was then sent to work in the palace, where she is working for the king. She was hired to paint likenesses of the queen. She and the queen eventually grow close, and when It becomes dangerous for her to stay in the castle, the queen sends …show more content…
She is young and familiar with her job, and she well adjusted. She attends group called the “Young Guardians”, which meets to, talk, dance, and hike. She enjoyed Sarajevo. But, then, her people are attacked. She is forced to flee into the woods and eventually joins a resistance group. After working there for months, her group is suddenly disbanded. She tries to walk her way back to the city. When she arrives, she is eventually taken in by a young family, where she disguised as a servant to take care of their child. The father works in a library, and when officials come looking for the haggadah, he steals it from the shelves and plans to hide it. They take Lola up to the mountains to a relative's house where the book would be hidden. Many years later, in 2002, Lola is an old widow who is working at the Holocaust Museum, where when she was cleaning the library, she discovers the Haggadah. Without the Haggadah, Lola first would have never made it out of Sarajevo the the second time, and the couple housing her would have eventually been punished. But, the mountains of Sarajevo were a place of first chaos, when she comes to them, but she eventually finds a home in them, and that is where she belongs. The book will forever be apart of her life, and she will always be apart of