Liesel’s goals and mine are comparable to each other. We both strive to have something that is not required, but might interfere with what is required by the society that we live in. Mine is more of a time management problem. Liesel wants to learn and read in Nazi Germany. At the …show more content…
The greatest of these is the desire to have personal success. This can be achieved in several ways: through money, through fame, etc. Warren buffet said “I discovered early on that investing in yourself is the best thing you can do”. This is coming from an incredibly successful man, the second richest in the world to be exact. This is good advice and in certain ways connects to the Book Thief. Liesel as a young child learns how to read and write better than any other kids her age. This ends up paying off when she is able to write her own book and record her life. Liesel is like one of the people in society who has been able to overcome this mountain of personal success. Many people are never able to achieve this goal, but many try, many fail, and many succeed, and many are still trying to become successful in some