Sarah Terzo's Argument Against Abortion

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One of the biggest arguments in today's society is the stance on abortion. Abortion, which is the killing of innocent unborn souls is ruthless. Would you be willing to murder a innocent child? What's your stance, pro-life or pro-choice? While most people believe abortion should be legal, others disagree. After the Roe vs Wade case, the Supreme Court simultaneously decided that women have the right of privacy under the 14th amendment; making it acceptable to abort a pregnancy within the first trimester (Vaughn 119). The main argument on abortion is really a debate on human life, and whether it has value from the moment of conception. Each and every human life is composed of intrinsic value, and has the right to live. Killing an innocent …show more content…
The law protects and provides consent to both the mother and the medical professionals for these procedures. However, the babies seemingly have no right to protection or life themselves. Pro-life author, Sarah Terzo, in a Life Site News article, relays the following testimony supporting this from a medical student upon witnessing his first abortion, “Rejected by their mothers and regarded as medical waste by their killers, society allows these babies to die silently, with no recognition or acknowledgment of their humanity” (Terzo). In this quote, Terzo talks about how mothers discard their unborn children as if they're not humans, but trash. Just because the child hasn't fully developed yet, doesn't mean it's not a human. That's like saying mothers can kill their newborn baby because it's not fully developed and doesn't have all of its …show more content…
Although people are pro-choice, it comes from their ability to be able to raise their child. With the economy down the drains and unemployment on the horizons, pregnant women don't know what to do or where to turn to, so they choose the easy way out, which is abortion. There's only one time when abortion should be acceptable; that is when a child is conceived under forceable terms, such as rape. Other than that abortion should be illegal. When women lie down and have sex, her partner and her both know there's a chance of getting pregnant each time they have sex. Knowing the outcome they should be prepared if they are aware of the chances of getting pregnant. In conclusion, abortion should be illegal. Everything it stands for is wrong, both logically and morally. In the future I hope people realize that the fetuses they're aborting could of grew up to be the people that discovered a cure for cancer or AIDS. When you kill fetuses you kill Americas opportunity of advancing in every

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