It punishes them for something they have no control over. When a mother chooses to have her child terminated, she is running from responsibility. There is always another alternative to killing. Abortion reduces the amount of children that could have been adopted. Abortion is used as another form of contraception (Pros & Cons: Abortion). This is highly irresponsible and careless. Abortion is murder. There is no clearer way to say it. It is stopping a beating heart and measurable brain waves (Willke). Everyone has the simple right to life. Why do some think that is it okay to take that right away from those that have no voice to speak for themselves? Unborn babies, starting at eight-weeks, feel real physical pain during the procedure (Willke). Abortions are not performed before the eighth week, so all children involved in abortions feel the pain of them being taken out of their mother who decided to give them the terrible fate of death (Abortion Facts). The sixth commandment in the bible states, “Thou shalt not kill,” this applies to all human beings, born or unborn. The decision to kill an unborn child because of the fact that he or she will have disabilities is discrimination. Physical limitations do not make any being less of a living, breathing human (abortion). One cannot cure a baby by taking its life. An unborn child should not be punished for any sort of mistake made by the parents. A child does not deserve to die for the crimes of his father. A five-year old cannot be killed because his father is a rapist (Brown). An unborn child should not have to be punished for the same scenario. There is no such thing as a child coming into this world unwanted there are couples all over the world that cannot conceive and would love to be able to adopt a child to love and care for as their own. An unborn baby’s lifespan in the womb explains that the unborn are alive and they are tiny human beings just forming at their own rate.
It punishes them for something they have no control over. When a mother chooses to have her child terminated, she is running from responsibility. There is always another alternative to killing. Abortion reduces the amount of children that could have been adopted. Abortion is used as another form of contraception (Pros & Cons: Abortion). This is highly irresponsible and careless. Abortion is murder. There is no clearer way to say it. It is stopping a beating heart and measurable brain waves (Willke). Everyone has the simple right to life. Why do some think that is it okay to take that right away from those that have no voice to speak for themselves? Unborn babies, starting at eight-weeks, feel real physical pain during the procedure (Willke). Abortions are not performed before the eighth week, so all children involved in abortions feel the pain of them being taken out of their mother who decided to give them the terrible fate of death (Abortion Facts). The sixth commandment in the bible states, “Thou shalt not kill,” this applies to all human beings, born or unborn. The decision to kill an unborn child because of the fact that he or she will have disabilities is discrimination. Physical limitations do not make any being less of a living, breathing human (abortion). One cannot cure a baby by taking its life. An unborn child should not be punished for any sort of mistake made by the parents. A child does not deserve to die for the crimes of his father. A five-year old cannot be killed because his father is a rapist (Brown). An unborn child should not have to be punished for the same scenario. There is no such thing as a child coming into this world unwanted there are couples all over the world that cannot conceive and would love to be able to adopt a child to love and care for as their own. An unborn baby’s lifespan in the womb explains that the unborn are alive and they are tiny human beings just forming at their own rate.