Fiesta de la Rosa is a traditional celebration; in which Salvadoran celebrate the fifteen birthday of a young girl. The color pink is considered to be the color of the innocence of girlhood to woman hood. The celebration begins with a religious mass. The young woman attends with her family and parents to a mass ceremony in her honor. Afterwards a big feast takes place with traditional food and music.
Corn plays an important role in the diet of the Salvadorans. Corn …show more content…
For example, public places lack access for people in wheelchairs. People in El Salvador are not very educated in how to deal with disabilities.
After conducting the research paper I have realized that the Salvadoran culture is very similar to my family’s culture. Both cultures celebrate life, believe in life after death, and enjoy the same music.
One tradition that my culture shares with El Salvador is the honoring of the death. My culture believes in life after death. November 1st and 2nd are known as Dias de los Muertos, Day of the Death. My mother sets up and altar where we place the pictures of our loved ones. We light up candles and my mom cooks traditional food such as Mole, rice, and beans. My mom places plates of food on her altar along with a variety of fruits. It is believed that on November 1st the souls of the adults come to visit meanwhile on November 2nd the young souls visit the earthly …show more content…
I celebrated my Quinceañera with many traditions through out the celebration. I attended a mass ceremony. During the reception, I toss what is called my last doll. I tossed it towards group girls who were under fifteen year old. This symbolized that I was saying good-bye to my childhood. One different aspect between the Salvadoran and the Mexican culture in this traditional celebration is the food. The Salvadoran serves the corn tortillas stuffed with pork meat, known as pupusas. My culture would consider this a simple meal. My culture is accustomed to serving a whole meal. The meal consists of meat, rice, beans, and a