SWOT Analysis In Nursing

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The objective of this assignment is to identify two areas for development from my practice experience 1. To also develop an action plan that will enable me to achieve my second progression point by accomplishing the set goal. SWOT analysis is an acronym that stands for strength, weakness, opportunities and threats, that relates to the accomplished goals in my practice experience 1, hence achieving the important outcomes. Pearce (2007) states that SWOT analysis remains a productive method used in finding one’s strength and weakness, and examine the opportunities and threats they are faced with (IBID). With SWOT frame work, one can possibly focus their activities where they are strongest and where their opportunities are(IBID). An action plan …show more content…
The NMC (2010) ʺidentified the measurement of BP as an essential skill that all nurses must be able to undertake, both manually and using electronic devices’’. Marieb & Hoehn (2010) describes blood pressure as the force of blood inside the blood vessels against the vessel wall. Systolic pressure is the raised pressure of the left ventricle that contracts blood that enters the aorta; this causes the stretching of the left ventricle and acts as functioning part of the ventricle (IBID). While the diastolic pressure is the flow of blood from the aorta into the smallest vessels as the aortic valve closes and recoils back. This occurs when the aortic valve is at its lowest and causes resistance of blood vessels (Marieb & Hoehn, 2010). Measuring and interpreting correctly patient’s vital signs is one of the skills requirement for pre-registration that a student nurse needs to achieve (NMC, 2010). Bloomfield et, al (2010) concurs with this statement adding that clinical skills remain the basis of nursing practice and within the pre-registration nursing programme strategies provided to enable nursing students become clinical competent at registration is a priority for educational providers, but still remains a problem to be achieved (IBID). Bland & Ousey (2012) argues that although measuring blood pressure is considered a …show more content…
To overcome this weakness, I will familiarise myself with the related theory and procedures of measuring manual blood pressure. Woodrow (2004) states that cardiac output and vascular resistance determine blood pressure. BP (Blood pressure) =CO (Cardiac output) x SVR (Systemic vascular resistance). Therefore, theoretically whatever that varies on the components stated above will bring about a change in blood pressure. However, this may not always be the case because a drop in neither of the components may be compensated thereby causing an increase to the other (Patton & Thibodeau, 2009). Practically, in order to get the right reading while taking a manual blood pressure, NICE (2011a) concurs with this statement by adding that a slow deflate of the cuff provides an indication of systolic pressure which can ensure an accurate result in individuals who have an auscultatory gaps. Also, to develop this skill I have planned to familiarise myself by reading these theories and procedures, practicing manual blood pressure, asking questions and listening to feedbacks from other experience staff, discussing and having a strategic plan with my mentor on taking up 1-2 patients daily observations in measuring their manual blood pressure for the first two weeks of my

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