Blood is constantly being pumped to and from the heart through arteries and veins, respectively. Oxygen, nutrients, water, and wastes are just some of the substances moving throughout the body via the blood vessels. Because this system is very complex, many issues can occur which inhibit the cardiovascular system from doing its job. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the many diseases that have been rarely studied across all subgroups in Asian Americans due to the limited reported data. It should be studied more extensively in Asian subgroups since it is responsible for thousands of deaths …show more content…
When measuring blood pressure, the two numbers checked are systolic and diastolic pressure. The former measures the pressure the blood has on the arteries when beating, while the latter measures blood pressure (BP) when the heart is at rest. An individual that is diagnosed with hypertension has a systolic blood pressure of over 140 mm Hg and/or a diastolic pressure of over 90 mm Hg (Weber, et al., 2014). According to a study by Kshirsagar (2006), individuals are still at risk for CV if they have prehypertension, which is having a systolic blood pressure range of 120-139 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure range of 80-89 mm Hg. Although this measurement is not considered hypertension, adults still have an increased risk of developing CVD relative to normal BP. When diagnosed with prehypertension, the study recommended a change towards a healthier lifestyle as well as another check up to closely monitor