Asian American Research Paper

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Asian Americans Asian Americans are the fastest growing minority populations in the United States and the number is expected to increase significantly from 18 million in 2010, to 34 million in 2050 (Hastings et al., 2015). Although the number of Asian Americans is constantly growing, research has been limited within the subgroups and only some of the subgroups are being reported. For example, national death registries allow researchers to study population health and look at trends. The problem was that Asian American subgroups were not often studied considering that states do not compile subgroup information on death records. More often than not, subgroups, such as Filipinos, Koreans, Asian Indians, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Japanese are grouped into “Asian Americans”. One of the reasons they are combined into one class is that Asian Americans are seen as a model-minority (Islam et al., 2010). There is a stereotype that exists that they are the healthiest group. Being seen as the healthiest is a major obstacle seeing that there is a deficiency in data collection among them. It was only until 2003 that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) granted permission to separate Asians into different categories in its national surveys. Only a few states were required to do so prior to 2003. The decision to include them is meaningful since these 6 subgroups account for over 95% of the Asian American population (Holland & Palaniappan, 2012). When aggregated data is utilized, an inaccurate representation of each race is reported. Because of the limited data available, health status among Asian Americans is not well known. One of the subgroups that are underrepresented are Filipinos. Filipinos are people whose ancestry is from the Philippines and they started immigrating to the U.S. in the early 20th century. According to the 2010 Census, about 3.4 million Filipinos currently live in America. California has the highest population with 1,474,707 Filipino Americans residing there and that amount continues to increase (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010). Every year since 2010, over 20,000 immigrants have been trying to become permanent citizens in the United States and want to live in California. As previously stated, even though the Filipino population is quickly increasing, most research includes them in a broader group: Asians. With the limited amount of data on subgroups, preventative measures cannot be taken either. Instead, a generalization is more prone to occur and the treatment other subgroups receive will not be specific to Filipino needs. Recently, President Obama acknowledged the health disparities due to lack of data collected. To combat this disparity, in 2009, he signed an Executive Order in an attempt to close the gap of health disparities by increasing the volume of data collected and to improve the health of Asian Americans. This was a reinstatement of former President Clinton’s Executive Order that called for an improvement of education, …show more content…
Blood is constantly being pumped to and from the heart through arteries and veins, respectively. Oxygen, nutrients, water, and wastes are just some of the substances moving throughout the body via the blood vessels. Because this system is very complex, many issues can occur which inhibit the cardiovascular system from doing its job. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the many diseases that have been rarely studied across all subgroups in Asian Americans due to the limited reported data. It should be studied more extensively in Asian subgroups since it is responsible for thousands of deaths …show more content…
When measuring blood pressure, the two numbers checked are systolic and diastolic pressure. The former measures the pressure the blood has on the arteries when beating, while the latter measures blood pressure (BP) when the heart is at rest. An individual that is diagnosed with hypertension has a systolic blood pressure of over 140 mm Hg and/or a diastolic pressure of over 90 mm Hg (Weber, et al., 2014). According to a study by Kshirsagar (2006), individuals are still at risk for CV if they have prehypertension, which is having a systolic blood pressure range of 120-139 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure range of 80-89 mm Hg. Although this measurement is not considered hypertension, adults still have an increased risk of developing CVD relative to normal BP. When diagnosed with prehypertension, the study recommended a change towards a healthier lifestyle as well as another check up to closely monitor

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