Mr. Hosokawa showed him that he could play the piano.
Roxane Coss sang acapella
Messner threatened to not bring in food
Roxane Coss tried to walk out of the house
2.Why did the terrorists take the Vice President’s house hostage?
Because they wanted Roxane all for themselves.
Because they wanted to kill the Vice President.
Because they wanted to threaten the President so they could get someone out of Jail.
Because they thought it would be fun to stay in that big house.
3.How did Mr. Hosokawa get to Roxane’s room?
With the help from Carmen.
By going through the vents.
By asking the generals if he can visit with her.
He didn’t make it to Roxane’s room.
4.What policy did Father …show more content…
He worked for a technology company.
He was a security guard at the local prison.
He was a school teacher.
He worked as a gas station.
7.Why did Roxane Coss want to go outside?
To get some fresh air.
To talk to Cesar after he sang.
To escape.
To pick flowers for Carmen.
8.How did Roxane’s first accompanist die?
He was shot by General Benjamin.
By jumping out of the window because he just wanted to get out of the house.
By diabetic shock from not having any food for a long period of time.
The police mistakenly shot him because they thought he was one of the terrorists.
9.Which terrorist is the best at moving so nobody can hear them?
General Benjamin
10. When everyone was asleep Carmen and…
Gen would go into the China closet to study spanish.
General Benjamin would watch the soap opera.
Roxane Coss would sing together.
Beatriz would count everyone to make sure they were all still there.
11. Why did Simon Thibault take the knife from Ishmael?
To kill the terrorists.
To use it as protection against Beatriz.
To show Ishmael how to properly cut the vegetables.
To pick a lock to