Romeo And Juliet Character Analysis Essay

Improved Essays
Romeo is a very complicated character, he is handsome, intelligent, impulsive and very sensitive. He is charming and well liked, amongst most characters in the play. Romeo’s emotions run very strong, throughout the play. Though he is very impulsive and immature. He is still a passionate lover, though sometimes unusual, when he is first introduced in the story, he is obsessed with Rosaline, in act I scene I, saying she is the perfect women. He is totally distraught at her not feeling the same way to him as he feels to her. The language he uses is very poetical, and this is how he expects love to be.

Act Two, Scene Two, Line
ROMEO: With love's light wings did I o'er-perch these walls;
For stony limits cannot hold love out,
And what love can do that dares love attempt;
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JULIET: If they do see thee, they will murder thee.
ROMEO: Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye
Than twenty of their swords: look thou but sweet,
And I am proof against their enmity.

This quote is taken from the balcony scene when Romeo is proclaiming to a girl he meant only hours ago, that he doesn’t care if his life is taken by the Capulets because he is so madly in love with her already.

The instant Romeo first sees Juliet, he forgets all about Rosaline, and falls head over heals in love with Juliet. Romeos attitude to love becomes more mature, as the relationship between him and Juliet gets more intense. Love is not the only deep emotion he feels, he shows there is anger inside of him which coerces him to avenge the death of his friend Mercutio. This is showing how impulsive Romeo is with his feelings, that he would murder someone just to avenge a friend’s death. Finally, there is the despair, which ends up driving him to suicide, when he thinks his true love Juliet is dead.

I do protest I never injur'd thee,
But love thee better than thou canst

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