Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken

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In 1916, the poet Robert Frost published the iconic poem “The Road Not Taken” to the world. This poem is written in a first person perspective and it begins with a person explaining to the reader that they have come to a halt in the road. The road had forked into two separate roads, each going into two different directions. The person was unsure on which path they should choose, so they decided to figure out where they each went. According to the speaker, one of the roads had nicer grass and the road was less worn-down, so they thought of going that way. However, they truly know that both roads have been traveled on many times before, making their decision even more difficult to come to. At one point, the speaker thinks that they can just travel …show more content…
This is mainly due to the word play and poetic devices that have been used in this poem. First of all, the poem is full of many rhymes that have different rhyming sounds. For example, in the first stanza the words “wood,” “stood,” and “could” are all rhymes, with “fair,” “wear,” “there” in the second stanza, “lay,” “day,” and “way” in the third stanza, and “sigh,” “I,” and “by” in the fourth stanza. Not only that, but the poem also incorporates the assonance of the letter “o,” including the lines "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood” and “And be one traveler, long I stood.” The poetic devices found in this poem give a sort of rhythm to the poem that makes it flow better when read and much more interesting to read. This makes the ideas that are being exclaimed in this poem stand out and makes it easier for the reader to …show more content…
The truth of the matter, nonetheless, is that a decision cannot easily be redone, as what has been seen and what has occurred because of this decision has already happened, even if someone changes his mind and tries the other choice. Additionally, choices lead to even more choices, and the farther somebody goes from their original decision makes it all the more strenuous to reverse that decision, even to the point where it is near impossible. The speaker concludes by saying that they made a decision, and it has changed his life completely, yet did not say if it was positive or negative in their lives. This gives the poem a bittersweet kind of feeling, as the outcome that has come to the speaker could be either good or bad, and it is decided based on what the reader feels is

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