Throughout my childhood, my father was my role model. I turned to my father for inspiration in every situation, but especially when situations go awry. In 2007, I absorbed the most information from my father when his mother, my grandmother, passed away. My father had to make tough, arduous decisions that pertained to the life of his mother. Although my …show more content…
My mother left for trips quite often (flight attendant) to provide for her family, and my sister lived at college. This left me with the task of taking care of my father while balancing my school and extracurricular activities. Without any guidance, balancing my school and home life would have been virtually impossible, but I was fortunate to have learned from my father when he was healthy. It was my father’s influence on my life that aided me in making mature decisions. Multiple times, I saved my father’s life by clearing his airways while he was choking. In the event that I could not save my father, it was my responsibility to have the paramedics at my house, and unfortunately this happened often. I was shown the delicacy of life in the most dramatic of ways. Although I was only ten years old when I took responsibility for my father, my age was not an indication of my maturity. I was not a child anymore, but instead a