Throughout the novel a lot of racism problems come to the text. People are judging other people throughout the whole novel. This shows how people’s outward appearances are to some people. The way people look, the color of their skin, they shouldn’t be judged on that. You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. You should read the pages within the book to be able to have a say. Get to know people, before judging them from there outside, get to know them on the inside too.
Bridie finally gets a chance to go out with her father Deck all alone for once. Her older sister Cole who is dark skinned is sick so she stays home with her mother Sandy. Bridie and Deck go out to the public gardens to have a day together to try and connect and have some fun. Bridie finally feels closer to him now she was happy in the moment. Bridie and her father were laying in the grass at the park and they decide that they were hungry so Bridie had gotten up to go to the little hot dog stand. As Bridie was getting a hot dog for her father she noticed a couple who was staring at her and her father. The couple was an …show more content…
We have police officers killing black people based on their color. We have a story that has just happened in the beginning of august about a black group of women who were kicked off the Napa valley wine train for laughing and being too loud, more like simply because they were black. A customer complained and the eight members were paraded through six cars and were forced to get off the train. Once they were off they were met with police. There were other women on the bus who were doing the same thing and these ladies got kicked off, probably because they were dark skinned. This is absolutely ridiculous and something needs to be changed about this now. All the racial discrimination is becoming out of control, makes me wonder why it even matters what our skin color is. "That was the most humiliating experience that I have ever had in my entire life," Johnson, 47, said with tears in her eyes at a news conference Thursday. "This is 2015, and this just cannot happen again." (Page 1). When people are discriminating, they don’t realize what they are actually doing. When you discriminate it brings people down, it brings people up to anger. A lot of bad things come out of racial discrimination. Like Johnson said this is 2015, and this needs to come to an end. Stop judging people by their skin color. Skin color does not