Residential School System In The 1950's

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The residential school system was organized in a half day system. Half of the day the students would study and the other half they would work. They did this so that the students would learn skills that would help them earn a living and by making the children do labor, it would cost the schools and government less money. In the 1950s, funding increased and the half day system was eliminated since the children were not receiving an efficient amount of education.
The school day began early with a bell. The bell would be very loud and disturbing, making sure the students woke up and got dressed. Breakfast was given to them and the students had to finish it all in a very limited time, causing them to rush. After breakfast, three hours of school
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Attendance was mandatory and if children were absent, parents would be given a punishment or sometimes even prisoned! Agents employed by the government made sure that all students were present. The Aboriginal students were taught that their culture was wrong and they would be punished for practicing their traditions. Students weren’t authorized to meet their families unless it was a special occasion, meaning they would go without meeting their parents and siblings for very long periods of time. The children, as little as four-year olds, had to undertake tiring manual labor. They were fed limited amounts of food and when they did get food, it was of very poor quality. The food would be moldy and rotten. Residential schools did provide clothing but the clothing was also of poor quality. The clothing was shabby, ill-fitted and didn’t keep the students warm in the winter. They did receive education but it was very inferior. 40 percent of the teachers had no professional teaching background and they were always unprepared. All the lessons were taught in English or French, which many students could not speak. The children who weren’t able to understand the lesson, because of their lack of English or French skills, would be punished. Students would face sexual and mental abuse, beatings, severe punishments, illness, overcrowding, etc. Some of the staff members were

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