There is plenty of money to go around to athletes, especially when their name is trademarked onto a piece of merchandise. The money is spent on new stadiums and sometimes seems as if it goes into a black hole, whilst the athletes don’t see a dime of it. The NCAA doesn’t allow capitalism within athletes because they are said to be amateurs, not professional athletes. So, they spend more hours in the gym or on the field than an average employee spends in an office, and sees no pay. A salary would help the athletes manage their money just like it teaches a normal employee to manage their money. Without it, they won’t know how. Once the NCAA will consider a small stipend, it will be more than just amount of money they are earning for playing a certain sport, its teaching the athlete responsibility. Most athletes in college’s dream is to be drafted, and sometimes that doesn’t happen. So with having the opportunity to be paid for their time at the college, they will be able to save up in case they aren’t drafted. In their years of playing, it will end, and they will only be left with a
There is plenty of money to go around to athletes, especially when their name is trademarked onto a piece of merchandise. The money is spent on new stadiums and sometimes seems as if it goes into a black hole, whilst the athletes don’t see a dime of it. The NCAA doesn’t allow capitalism within athletes because they are said to be amateurs, not professional athletes. So, they spend more hours in the gym or on the field than an average employee spends in an office, and sees no pay. A salary would help the athletes manage their money just like it teaches a normal employee to manage their money. Without it, they won’t know how. Once the NCAA will consider a small stipend, it will be more than just amount of money they are earning for playing a certain sport, its teaching the athlete responsibility. Most athletes in college’s dream is to be drafted, and sometimes that doesn’t happen. So with having the opportunity to be paid for their time at the college, they will be able to save up in case they aren’t drafted. In their years of playing, it will end, and they will only be left with a