Remember The Titans System

Improved Essays
Remember the Titans A system is something that is hard to study. It is always changing and it’s a complex, intricate thing that is sometimes hard to understand and grasp. However, by using system theory, we’re able to examine a system and what makes it function. There is not just one thing that makes up a system. There are various other things involved that help get in running effectively. In systems theory we are studying all the parts and how they work together as a whole. In the movie Remember the Titans, the football team and their coaches all brought something to offer and although they were all different, they worked together to reach a common goal. From the resources brought into the group from the outside, the work and activities …show more content…
Throughput processes are the activities the group engages in. These sorts of activities end up transforming the inputs and turning them into something else by doing things with them. These processes include how the group works, the roles, rules, leadership, how the members handle conflict and what they do to solve it. Communication is the most important in throughput processes. One significant example of this in Remember the Titans is when they were at the football camp and coach Boone took them to the Gettysburg cemetery.Coach boone told the team that there was a battle there between two armies. Even though they didn’t like each other, they all bled the same color. He said if the team didn’t learn to come together, they would end up destroyed just like the men who died were. He didn’t care if they didn’t like each other as long as they respected each other. This event led to a lot of changes between the players. Gary sat with his black roommates and wanted the other players to do the same. From that moment, they began to set aside their differences and be one as a team. The communication became more frequent and they were able to solve any conflicts they …show more content…
Nonsummativity, also called synergy is the system’s ability to take on an identity separate from its individual elements. This happens when a group comes together. One type of synergy is positive synergy. This is when a team performs better than the individual abilities of the members would lead you to expect. This can be related back to when the group had won their first game. Since the team had been kind of rocky for awhile between the players, it was assumed that they wouldn't win and that they would fail. It seemed as though even the team was surprised that they had won the game as well as the

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