West Coast Transit Airline began as a very small company in California and would only charter planes to the nearby Oregon, Arizona and Nevada. This company that started out so small, tripled in size after its first year and has risen to over 10,000 employees. What they are doing now in regards to all the difference sides of business is really working for them and now they need help in developing a good team to manage and complete this project at hand. Throughout this paper you will see different things that the managers will need to do in order to really complete in this project flawlessly and within a timely manner.
Effective Teamwork and Analyzation of Team The textbook states three different criteria for evaluating if a team …show more content…
Forming is when members first initially get together and identify themselves with the group and other team members. Storming is when conflict is expected to arise and tension is created. This is also the stage that helps define group tasks and allows member to become familiar with the different ways that the team members work. Norming is where the group members begin to come together as a team and work together. Performing is the stage in which a team acts as an effective group and the team members contribute to a well functioning team. The final stage, adjourning, is where the team has reached its final goals and the team is no longer necessary (Schermerhorn, Osborn, & Uhl-Bien, 2014). The team in the West Coast Transit Case only experienced the first two stages. The team went through the forming stage when they were brought into the meeting and chosen to be the members of this group. The second stage they went through was the storming stage. The team never really left this stage because there were certain problems that were very hard to overcome. Because they did not pass the storming stage, they were not able to be an effective …show more content…
Substantive conflict deals with disagreement amongst the group or the goal that they are working towards accomplishing. Emotional conflict deals with interpersonal relationships and the incompatibilities of each other (Schermerhorn, Osborn, & Uhl-Bien, 2014). The conflicts that are in evident in the case are both substantive and emotional conflict. The substantive conflict that is being involved is because of the project that will be need to be done in very demanding conditions. The employees are already under a lot of stress because of the work load and adding this created negativity within the group such as not being paid extra for this project. The emotional conflict rose when Denson reacted abruptly when Tanney said she has other problems and would not be able to comply. Denson’s action caused Tanney to feel disrespected and so she left the room and said she will not be working with him unless he