Imagine a world with everyone equal. Everyone is taught and respected the same way. You are not allowed to show love or preference to certain person or any thing. Well that's what the novel Anthem by Ayn Rand is about. It is a science fiction type of book and is revolved around one to two characters. They are Equality 7-2521 and Liberty 5-3000. They are essentially rebelling against society. There are harsh and strict rules. Some of them are just ridiculous. Equality and Liberty are trying to find the truth. before the “great rebirth” was the Unmentionable Times. No one is allowed to speak about the unmentionable times. Throughout the book Anthem the theme relationships have progressed and developed drastically. In the beginning of the book Everyone one was taught that showing preference and thinking …show more content…
First off Equality escapes the city after his attempt to show the scholars his discovery. He spends at most one day in the forest after running away only to find out that Liberty had followed him to look for him. He saw her outfit through the leaves and when you to her. She said “We have found you…” (81). She had followed him into the forest because she is starting to care about him and having feelings for him. Liberty also says, “We have followed you, and we shall follow you wherever you go” (82). Here it's obvious that she has developed feelings for Equality. More feelings for him than any other person she had ever met. They start planning their survival together. They plan on building a house once they have traveled far enough into the forest. Shortly after this, Liberty stops and says to Equality “We love you” (86). For the first time since the Unmentionable times the word love had been used from one gender to the other. They then released this is what life was really about. This is how humans are suppose to be. This was a human