Anthem is a brief, tale that takes place in the future in a collectivism world where the “I” has vanished from their language. The novel rotates around Equality 7-2521, Liberty 5-3000, International 4-8818, Fraternity 2-5503, Solidarity 9-6347, Collective 0-0009, and Union 5-3992 where they, along with their society is prohibited from certain things. In the novel, the society they live in is being ran by a communist government. It is being told from the point of view of a man named Equality 7-2521 who later changed his name.…
For Equality 7-2521 to have freed himself from collectivism, he must overcome many obstacles. Anthem is a dystopia about a person named Equality 7-2521 who lives in a place where “I” is gone and “we” has taken over. The thought of one is punishable by death in their world. While the passage “The Soul of an Individual” talks about how people fear change and act against it. In the book Equality had struggled to win, but had done so at the end.…
Many people view the society in Anthem as a dystopian society, where each individual’s life is controlled by the government. If the question, “Is the world in Anthem more like today or in 1776?” was asked to a group of students who have read the book, a good majority of that group would answer 1776, including me. To illustrate my point, the people of the United States in 1776 wanted to find ways to survive through the nation as a whole. The thought of independence did not delight them, nor did it ever come to their mind. Everyone was so into the idea of using “We” instead of “I”, therefore, avoiding individualism.…
Anthem Not many of the people in the book Anthem’s society have courage to express their individuality or to rebel for their freedom; Equality realizes his identity is important and he needs to respect himself. The world does not define you, you do and you need to let your individuality show and let people be inspired by it. " 'Your eyes,' they said, 'are not like the eyes of any among men"'.…
The book Anthem is about Equality 7-2521. In his homeland, if a male was more than six feet tall, their bones were considered a curse. Equality unfortunately was cursed. In the palace, there was a placed called Home of the Infants, were Equality and the other children lived till they were five. After the Home of Infants, they are transported to a place called Home of the Students.…
In the book Anthem by Ayn Rand, Equality renounce his relationships, reputation, and citizenship in order to achieve wisdom, freedom, and individuality. His determination illustrated that immense sacrifice is necessary to stand up for individual beliefs and to attain happiness. When he left his community, Equality gave up his friendly relations. Left behind were those that he worked with such as International, one of Equality’s best friends, and Union, who was familiar to Equality even though not as well liked by Equality. He also would have surrendered his relationship with the Golden One, if she hadn’t followed him into the Uncharted Forest in the first place.…
Anthem provides the readers with a look into a Dystopian future. The reades examine the government Equality 7-2521 lives in and how it limits his individuality. The reader watch how Prometheus takes up a mold and how he understands himself. Lastly, prometheus discovers why his intelligence is reprimanded by his government. Anthem reminds the readers of their individuality, and to always be thankful for it.…
The article is not what Equality would go with because he does not want no one to be distinguished the way he was. Equality is right to be critical towards the Leaders because he was different, he also began to change his mind towards the Council, and he says "I" rather than "we." “How Does One Lead a Rational Life in an Irrational…
In the book Anthem Equality’s primary motivation for conducting his experiments was to show that he was capable and intelligent enough to be a scholar. Equality is very intelligent and he knows he can help out his brothers and their world in many ways by the things he learned in the tunnel. I also think he is very biased and tired of the world he lives in when he was growing up and the world he lives in today. He is right to be motivated this way because it is normal for human beings to want to prove themselves and show that they are capable to do something that they believe they are worthy for.…
This novel is called “Anthem” by: Ayn Rand. “It is a sin to write this.” So begins but by the end of the story, Equality 7-2521 has a different moral assessment of his action. Do you think Equality’s eventual assessment of his sin is correct? Why or why not?…
The citizens in Anthem are controlled by a communist government that is ran by higher officials which no one can surpass, can control their education, and forces everyone to be equal to their peers.…
88% of the people feel threatened when other drivers use cell phones yet 67% of people continue to use cell phones. In Anthem there is no high technology like now days and they do not have any family. In Harrison Bergeron everyone is “ Equal ’’. They do have technology and family. There handicaps keep them from unfair advantage of their brains.…
Does something as simple as a book have the power to change a society? Can a change of rules morph the North Korean culture into a more liberating society? Just as books changed Equality 7-2521 in the novel Anthem by Ayn Rand? As readers dive into this communist and totally controlled society that takes place in Rand’s novel, their minds can’t help but be completely intrigued by such an intense life that our main character, Equality 7-2521, is forced to live. A place where the words “I”, “me”, “myself”, etc. are completely vanished and people act as if they were never words at all. Is that life all that much different from the ones that North Koreans are now living?…
Anthem and the Concept of Free Will Anthem by Ayn Rand’s “hymn to man’s ego,” The story is about a man’s rebellion in regards to an authoritarian, communist society. A young man by the name Equality 7-2521 craves to comprehend “the Science of Things.’’ The problem is that he exists in a desolate, dystopian future in which sovereign thought is an offense and whereby science and technology have reverted to primeval levels. All terminologies of individualism have been stifled in the world of Anthem: personal belongings are a myth, individual inclinations are viewed as evil and romantic love is outlawed. Furthermore, compliance to the collective is so profoundly deep-rooted that the very term “I” has been obliterated from the language.…
During the novella Anthem by Ayn Rand, Equality changes his mind and becomes very critical of the leaders in his society by denouncing them in moral terms. At critical ages of Equality’s life he only learned of what his government wanted him to. He did not want to sin, but soon realizes it is the only way to be who he imagines. His society tries to implant, in everyone’s mind that they are all the same, but Equality explores the Unmentionable times discovering the world he lives in. He also discovers the word he must not speak,…