Citizens should be able to enforce certain acts on to themselves, ad they should be responsible for interpreting, while the government should responsible for creating and slightly enforcing. The reason why the government should play this role is because of the large population and mass differences in views, the population would be chaotic without a higher shaping figure. Current government is an excellent example, public education is strictly enforced, there’s legislation that forces children to go to school, and some certain criteria is made for them to complete. The citizens’ role is, parent’s role is to make sure their children go to school, the children’s role is to actively participate and hopefully archive, the individual role is what you do with the education. The options are to either purse down a path of future education and hopefully to a life of prosperity and the wealth due to the education. Or stop after the required amount of years and live a life the is down the line of what life could’ve became if education was continued and taken advantage of, a life of possible lower income. It should not be in the hand of the people because that would only create differences among areas where values, ideas, and characteristics are altered. It is better to have a national standard and a controlling body that creates policies and principles that shape us rather than a free for
Citizens should be able to enforce certain acts on to themselves, ad they should be responsible for interpreting, while the government should responsible for creating and slightly enforcing. The reason why the government should play this role is because of the large population and mass differences in views, the population would be chaotic without a higher shaping figure. Current government is an excellent example, public education is strictly enforced, there’s legislation that forces children to go to school, and some certain criteria is made for them to complete. The citizens’ role is, parent’s role is to make sure their children go to school, the children’s role is to actively participate and hopefully archive, the individual role is what you do with the education. The options are to either purse down a path of future education and hopefully to a life of prosperity and the wealth due to the education. Or stop after the required amount of years and live a life the is down the line of what life could’ve became if education was continued and taken advantage of, a life of possible lower income. It should not be in the hand of the people because that would only create differences among areas where values, ideas, and characteristics are altered. It is better to have a national standard and a controlling body that creates policies and principles that shape us rather than a free for