Reflective Essay: Is It Important To Be A Writer?

Improved Essays
When most students think of writing, they think of strenuous literature essays for an english class, or five page research papers with deadlines and headaches. I live for those headaches. A writer is not someone who simply puts words onto a page. They put emotion within the words, spread messages and promote ideas. To write is to incase a memory in glass, detailing every single moment down to the pattern of the snowflakes that fell last Christmas. Those who have written in the past have left a significant part of themselves behind in the form of written documents, in which constructed the law we now follow. Other pieces of written history stand as proof of a war that was won. The hands that once touched these pages are legendary, their purpose in this world undiminished with the encasing of their intelligence.These documents are now frayed at the edges and discolored with age, yet irreplaceable and priceless. This is proof that writing is so much more than letters printed on a page and this is why I have chosen it to be my life partner. I have chosen writing because, writing gives me a chance to connect with others on a mental and emotional level. I have been told on more than a few occasions that my goals for the future are unrealistic. I guess it’s a good thing I believe in Fairy Tales. I have put together a guide for myself that detail all of the steps I plan to take towards my career. I would have put “Dream” career, but it is no longer a “Dream”, if you have chosen to bring it into reality. Attending College The Second step would be to attend college. You may be asking why I consider college as the second step when college is obviously needed to advance any career as prevalent to society as mine. On a more significant note, you may be wondering why I have placed the “Second” step first. The answer to this would be simply because, as a writer, there is no proper sequence. We are forced to think outside of the box, yet still reach inside to see if we missed anything. As an avid reader, I have learned that to gain the loyalty of the audience, you must first capture their attention. Has this little act of rebellion caught your attention? If so, congratulations, you’re in for a surprise. I have decided to place the “First” step last in my essay. May the suspense and anticipation drive you forward. I consider college the second step because, it is the second most important thing for me to do, in relevance to reaching my goals. As of Fall 2015, I will be a college freshman. I have chosen a major of English with a concentration in Writing and a minor in Theater. By obtaining a degree in English I will enhance my overall writing skills as well as obtain a better understanding of the language in which I speak. Furthermore, I have scheduled classes in Spanish, so that I may be able to cater to a larger audience. My primary goal would be to become an award winning novelist, and have one of novels adapted into a film …show more content…
Yes, to be a writer the most important thing to remember is that you must write. You must write in the morning and at night. You must write even when you do not feel like writing. They say practice makes perfect and you never know how far you’ve come unless you have something to compare it to. I remember when I first started writing back in fourth grade. My sentences were all run-ons because, I never used periods and I didn’t know how to properly start a sentence. However, I have come a long way and although my skills are still not as advanced as I would like them to be, I am aware that I can only get better. To do this I will simply write. I will write my way to a bigger audience through everyday blog posts and I will write my through tons of scholarships so that I may pay for the education so detrimental to my career goals. One day, I will be able to look back at all of the writing I have done and be thankful that I did not develop Carpal Tunnel

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