Food choice decisions are frequent, multifaceted, situational, dynamic, and complex and lead to food behaviors where people acquire, …show more content…
the first week but in the long run lower my weight to help take some pressure off of my knee. I also wanted to feel better after I ate my meals and live a healthier lifestyle. To get this under way I started to meal prep-- this is where I planned and cooked all my meals for the week. I mostly ate four different meals for seven days. I had a piece of meat for a source of protein and had vegetables and fruits on the side; for snacks I had fruits and almonds. If I traveled anywhere I would take along my prepared meal. I noticed after I ate my meals I felt fine; I never felt bloated or sluggish. As the week grew on, I was finding it harder and harder each day to eat the meals I cooked. However, I used the self-talk behavior change strategy to stay positive and to encourage myself. I constantly reminded myself how far I had come and how proud of myself I was. At the end of the week I lost five pounds and noticed that my skin had a nice glow and my acne had