Since 1938, the minimum wage has been raised several times; usually it would occur almost every year, sometimes it would happen three or four years later. But now, it hasn’t changed for the past five years. In 2007, the minimum wage was $5.85; in 2008 it was raised to $6.55, and then again in 2009, it was raised to $7.25. It is now the year 2014, and the minimum wage remains at $7.25 an hour. A full-time worker who is paid the minimum wage would make an annual income of $15,080.…
The minimum wage in the US is well below that of other advanced countries. The economist estimates that the minimum wage should be about twelve dollars an hour in the US based on our GDP. A higher minimum wage not only increases worker’s income, which is sorely needed to high demand and get the economy going. “Raising the minimum wage to $10.10 would create economic prosperity and put more money into the pockets of hard-working Americans” (“Reasons Raise minimum wage chart”). Raising the minimum wage to ten or more will help the workers to turn around and spend that money, which is a huge boost for the economy.…
Server should be paid the same as the people who get paid the non-tipped minimum wage. The minimum wage should be the same at every job. Those who make Tipped minimum wage are more likely to need goverment assistance. Those servers are getting tipped becaues of their service they are giving. Some servers don't even make enough in tips to equal the non tipped minimum wage after a shift.…
I also read an article from USA Today by Jack Quinn, Mike Castle, Steve LaTourette and Connie Morella entitled “Raising the minimum wage is common sense” that also supports the idea that minimum wage should be changed. It argues that minimum wage should increase with inflation. Meaning that instead of $7.25, we should have the national wage to be $10.70. The biggest difference between the two articles is that the USA Today article focused on the government aspect of the topic. The authors chose to talk about why the change hasn’t been made and what is occurring in the congress to stop us from receiving the wages we deserve.…
Raising the minimum wage will reduce poverty .This year there is a large dispute about minimum wage and the living standard. Study show that states that have higher income there Poverty rate numbers are low . Also higher income dose not just help the poor it helps people stay focus. High income will help the poverty rate and the average person stay focus on saving what they make so higher min wage impove eyeryones standing .Increseing…
I am a person that feels like the minimum wage should be raised and that people should be getting paid more than they are getting paid right now. There are a few reasons why I feel this way and strongly believe that something should be done about the situation. People are doing to much work for what they are getting paid so it makes the people feel overworked. One of the reasons that I feel this way is because with what I am getting paid right now it is hard for me to pay my bills. $7.35 is not enough to live off of when you have a lot to pay for.…
Recently, many people are calling for an over 100% increase in the federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $15 an hour. There is a claim that it would be good for the economy in many ways. It is believed that raising the minimum wage would increase spending within the economy, which would enable businesses to grow and hire more workers, and the cycle goes on. The reality is that minimum wage jobs are designed for an unskilled high school student who is learning how to balance a job and other aspects of their life.…
Minimum wage has been a big issue in this country for a long time. There are different reasons why minimum wage should be raised and why it shouldn't. “Fast food workers make less that $9 dollars on average” (Fast food workers). “Many states have raised minimum wage why can't we”(Fast food workers).Raising the minimum wage might even mean that we will have to increase our tax pay because the more money we make the more taxes we pay. Even though raising minimum wage is important because people can't live a full life off minimum wage we still don't need to raise it almost $3 maybe just $1.…
Families everywhere suffer every day from lack of money due to the low minimum wage standards. People who work minimum wage jobs and have children have a difficult time putting food on the tables and enjoying everyday living. Without a reasonable pay it’s not easy to afford transportation, food, clothing, schooling, or anything that requires money. The minimum wage in Rhode Island is currently seven dollars and fifty cents an hour, when calculated it comes out to about fifteen thousand dollars a year. It is almost impossible to supports a family with a pay so low.…
Laurie Coburn was a reliable person to interview because she worked for nonprofit Raising the minimum wage will reduce the help of government for social programs because higher wages cut the need for assistance for services like food stamps. Millions of Americans rely on the government for basic needs. These needs include child care, health care, food services, etc. Most of the people who rely on the government already work full jobs and still struggle to get by. The government has to spend money to help these people when they could be spending their money on education or on poverty.…
“Raising the minimum wage would not help . . . it would have the opposite effect because it would victimize the country’s lowest-skilled workers and make it more difficult for them to find employment” (Reisman, 2015). Raising the federal minimum wage will increase unemployment and at the same time increase the cost products and services. Per Thomas MaCurdy, professor of economics at Stanford University, “higher minimum wages help almost nobody; but raise prices for everyone” (MaCurdy, 2015). If the federal government desires to raise the standard of living in our country, “the best thing the [government] could do is to just get out of the way” (Epstein,…
The issue of minimum wage has been a hotly debated topic among politicians and their constituents. Many argue whether minimum wage exists to help people on poverty or used as a base salary for future positions. This issue has been especially concerning for candidates running for the 2016 presidential election. Despite being a somewhat simple topic, the argument for minimum wage has divided Americans in terms of what to do. In Ari Armstrong’s article, he argues that minimum wage is egregious and will only harm the economy by causing people to have lower motivations and lack of employment.…