The minimum wage in the US is well below that of other advanced countries. The economist estimates that the minimum wage should be about twelve dollars an hour in the US based on our GDP. A higher minimum wage not only increases worker’s income, which is sorely needed to high demand and get the economy going. “Raising the minimum wage to $10.10 would create economic prosperity and put more money into the pockets of hard-working Americans” (“Reasons Raise minimum wage chart”). Raising the minimum wage to ten or more will help the workers to turn around and spend that money, which is a huge boost for the economy.…
INTRO: 1.3 Million people living on 7.25 an hour. Lately the question of Should the Minimum Wage be Raised?, has been a hot topics on lots of news networks. Its tough to think that some people only make 42 dollars a day. If this wage is not raised people will go hungry, naked, homeless, and a whole lot worse situations. However, if the wage is raised small businesses will have employ less due to a wage that is so high.…
Server should be paid the same as the people who get paid the non-tipped minimum wage. The minimum wage should be the same at every job. Those who make Tipped minimum wage are more likely to need goverment assistance. Those servers are getting tipped becaues of their service they are giving. Some servers don't even make enough in tips to equal the non tipped minimum wage after a shift.…
Since 1938 the United States government came up with an idea called minimum wage. The reason why minimum wage jobs were made were for people in poverty to get a better job or to go back to school or kids so they could make money for school and other things. So making minimum wage higher to help these people out to get to the next step is what we want to do. In the article “Raising the Minimum Wage: Effects on Family Poverty” by Ronald B. Mincy, states that two men named Edward M. Gramlich and Terrence Kelly proved “that most work low wage workers are not poor.” (18).…
Raising the minimum wage will reduce poverty .This year there is a large dispute about minimum wage and the living standard. Study show that states that have higher income there Poverty rate numbers are low . Also higher income dose not just help the poor it helps people stay focus. High income will help the poverty rate and the average person stay focus on saving what they make so higher min wage impove eyeryones standing .Increseing…
I am a person that feels like the minimum wage should be raised and that people should be getting paid more than they are getting paid right now. There are a few reasons why I feel this way and strongly believe that something should be done about the situation. People are doing to much work for what they are getting paid so it makes the people feel overworked. One of the reasons that I feel this way is because with what I am getting paid right now it is hard for me to pay my bills. $7.35 is not enough to live off of when you have a lot to pay for.…
Recently, many people are calling for an over 100% increase in the federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $15 an hour. There is a claim that it would be good for the economy in many ways. It is believed that raising the minimum wage would increase spending within the economy, which would enable businesses to grow and hire more workers, and the cycle goes on. The reality is that minimum wage jobs are designed for an unskilled high school student who is learning how to balance a job and other aspects of their life.…
Should Minimum Wage In The U.S Be Raised? The question of whether or not minimum wage should be raised in the U.S has been an ongoing debate among the general population for a while, but especially in the recent years. The minimum wage federally in America right now is $7.25 and has been since 2009. Many people debate on very opposite ends of the spectrum, most people are either really set on raising the wage, or completely against it.…
Minimum wage has been a big issue in this country for a long time. There are different reasons why minimum wage should be raised and why it shouldn't. “Fast food workers make less that $9 dollars on average” (Fast food workers). “Many states have raised minimum wage why can't we”(Fast food workers).Raising the minimum wage might even mean that we will have to increase our tax pay because the more money we make the more taxes we pay. Even though raising minimum wage is important because people can't live a full life off minimum wage we still don't need to raise it almost $3 maybe just $1.…
Laurie Coburn was a reliable person to interview because she worked for nonprofit Raising the minimum wage will reduce the help of government for social programs because higher wages cut the need for assistance for services like food stamps. Millions of Americans rely on the government for basic needs. These needs include child care, health care, food services, etc. Most of the people who rely on the government already work full jobs and still struggle to get by. The government has to spend money to help these people when they could be spending their money on education or on poverty.…
Lately in the United States a very controversial topic has been minimum wage. Many people within the country argue whether or not it should stay the way it currently is or have an increase in how much it pays. I believe there should not be an increase to minimum wage. If there is an increase to minimum wage many fast food places would be encouraged to speed up the process of automating their ordering service to be able to save money by not having to pay workers. An increase to minimum wage will also cause job opportunity for low skilled workers and then harder to find a job that would be better for them to be able to live well.…
Raising the Minimum Wage Will Not help the Poor? The debate over whether to raise the Minimum wage is one of the most controversial topics in America right now. The question at the center of this debate is will raising the minimum wage do more harm than good. Some, like David Henderson an economics professor at the Naval Postgraduate School, would argue that a raise in the minimum wage would do virtually nothing for the impoverished except make them more poor. He believes that employers would stop hiring and start cutting benefits, force employers to do something that they really don’t want to do, and finally cause teenagers to drop out of school in search of high paying jobs only to find that no one wants to hire them.…
US poverty rates are quite high, even if our country often praised as the richest country in the world. Because of this, many problems of the disadvantaged are ignored or trivialized. As the faces of the future, it is our obligation to make the country a better place for all, not just the privileged and rich. One possible solution to curb poverty rates is raising the minimum wage. The federal minimum wage in the US is only $7.25 per hour, which is too small to be a living wage.…
Should the minimum wage be raised to fifteen dollars an hour? There is a good amount of people that think that this is a good idea when it is actually a bad idea. First, the raise of the minimum wage to fifteen dollars would be a higher wage than some people make with an education. If minimum wage raises, then all wages would increase accordingly. Also, the price of merchandise would be raised on everything to make up for the raise in minimum wage.…