Role Of Race In America

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Race has played a central role in America since the very beginning. Since the moment we first arrived in America we held the mental statement that the white race was the superior race. The first race to feel oppression from the white man were the Native Americans that presided in these lands before us. Since then we have managed to use those who were brought over/ immigrated here for our own personal gain and yet mistreat them. African Americans, in my opinion, endured the most oppression for the longest period of time. Africans slaves were first brought over to the United States in 1619. Slaves were used for labor such as in plantations where they would grow and harvest crops. Slavery was not huge in America until cotton boomed. Once the southerners found a stable source of income from “king cotton”, they planned on maintaining it. Africans were being brought over and then sold to southerners as if they were animals. Most families were separated from one another during auctions. African Americans tried fighting back at first, but stopped because the consequences they would face were too painful or led to death. White owners would punish/torment their slaves in various ways. Most would whip them, some would brand them, and a few (such as Madame Delphine LaLaurie) would torture/kill them for pleasure. This mistreatment of the slaves led many to turn against the use of slavery. It wasn’t until around the mid 1800s when people made this realization. Shortly after that, it became a subject that would draw a line between northern and southern America. The North did not depend on it so they saw the wrong in slavery more easily than the South, who heavily depended on it. The southerners had found an easy way to make money. They did not view the slaves as people, but rather as property. Southerners were not ready to give up their easy profit. This in turn led abolitionists, people who wanted to abolish slavery, to fight alongside the slaves. One of the biggest abolitionists at the time was Abraham Lincoln. He started a campaign to run for presidency and got a lot of support from the North and a lot of hatred from the South. While he ran, tensions were at their peak between the North and the South. The South did not want Lincoln to win because they were aware that he was anti-slavery and would put an end to their easy way of life. Lincoln 's winning of the presidential election started the Civil War. At the same time, southern states seceded or were in the process of seceding. Both sides were ready to fight over whether or not the oppression of Africans for personal gain was humane and justifiable. Altogether, I believe it is safe to say that race played such a big part that it caused a war that in turn split the United States in half (momentarily). During the Civil Rights era (1950s-1960s), race still played a huge role in the United States. African Americans were free from slavery, but they were still not being treated right. They were discriminated against simply because they were a different race from the white Americans that was believed to be inferior. During this time there was a lot of discrimination and segregation, especially in public places. There were separate bathrooms, churches, and schools placed for the African Americans. …show more content…
Stereotypes play a major role in these racial issues. It is these same racist views that lead news reporters to call a black teenager who stole one cigarette a “thug” while calling a white teenager who molested kids “a confused adolescent”. These same racial stereotypes have led many unarmed black men to get killed by police men merely because they looked suspicious. I consider that a racial problem because an unarmed black man is more likely to end up killed by the police than a white man that just performed a shooting in a public place. Although we have come a long way, we are not where we need to be in terms of racial equality. The racial problems/ inequality we face today are a result of American History. Hundreds of years of discrimination are what have led to today 's race relations in American

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