What Role Did Slavery Play In American Colonization

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In general, slavery played a major part in American colonization and became the standard for all colonies and the African American slaves were heavily populated in the Northern and Southern colonies because of the Southern colonies had tobacco plantations and they needed laborers to work their land so, they can make a profit. In short, the Atlantic Slave Trade was established by the Spanish colonists in the Sixteenth century to help solve a need and because they were the most experience sea mariners during that time (Robin, Kelley, Lewis, 2005, p. 7). Therefore, slaves became the cheapest laborers in the colonies and this forced labor continue for centuries and some people of the colonies began to believe that this was the way of life. The …show more content…
In short, slavery played a very key role in shaping America’s history. In the early years, the Northern and Southern regions of America played different roles economically in helping shaping America’s. For the most part, the South had a robust agricultural economy and the North was heavily invested in establishing a manufacturing economy. The Southern colonies embraced the Slave trade and strongly believed they were entitled to own slaves. The slaves were the key to their success because there were no other groups of peoples that would do the labor and lived in the harsh conditions. Even though, the slaves were separated from their original families and displaced thousands of miles learned to adjust to their new surroundings and started to make an impact on American history. In this essay, I will discuss the ways on how African Americans impact the American colonies economically, socially, culturally, socially and political …show more content…
In general, Africans were not the only peoples whom the Europeans would be enslave. In short, some immigrants from Europe was also slaves and they were known as Indentured Servants. The Indentured Servants were people who came to the New World under contract to serve for and work for the landowners for four to seven years in exchange in exchange for paid passage from England, as well as food, clothing, and shelter once they arrived in the colonies (Indentured Servants, “n.d.”). But, the African American were the only peoples imported as permanent, unfree laborers (Robin, Kelley & Lewis, 2005, p. 26). In general, the African Americans resisted their new way of life and struggle to maintain their human dignity and to develop social institutions that would sustain them through the rest of their lives (Robin, Kelley & Lewis, 2005, p. 27). For the most part, in the colonial societies, the African Americans were considered the lowest of the social order. In the colonists’ view, they were considered as imported human property in which their sole purpose was to work for those who purchase their rights. In fact, they were considered as a “bad race” in which the term originated in Europe and strengthened the American cause of why they should enslave the African Americans (Robin, Kelley & Lewis, 2005, p. 27). In contrast, the

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